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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. don't get me wrong, i'd still pay pedro $5 to photoshop handcuffs, a bottle of baby oil and a cat'o'nine tails onto that already photoshopped photo of her that edie posted earlier in this thread.
  2. i completely agree w/ your co-worker. i agree w/ your post on the whole 'culture war' post too. a good majority of folks so maligned that the other side are makign themn such important issues are doing quite a good job of perpetuating that themselves. i, seriously, don't give an iota of a care about palin's religious views...her daughter's pregnancy and how that fits in w/ her stance on sex ed/pro-lifeism...that she's a woman w/ kids...none of that addresses the economic concerns that greatly overshadow anythign else me and my family need to worry about. you are playing into the GOP's hand
  3. i remember seeing an unbelievably hot photo of her in rolling stone when she first started getting attention.
  4. pedro, i enjoyed that post like gene simmons enjoys a great cup of coffee.
  5. this veer back into the 'right to life' discussion is timely, as i took an official pro-life stance on my blog today: CHOOSE LIFE!
  6. experience is relevant. the degree of it's relevancy and one's definition of 'experience' seems to be a sticking point. more so for me, it's not just what you did. it's how you did it, what you are going to parlay that into moving forward and how you'll do the 'what'.
  7. all of us? and we're saying ANY and ALL experience is overrated when running for President?
  8. i was more taken aback at the decision not to spell out vagina.
  9. i was more taken aback at the decision not to spell out vagina.
  10. yeah, bb...i think you've become the diet version of j.nick. 'all the contrarianism, half the fattening daivid foster wallace quotes'. stone silence?
  11. don't forget the hot but obviously photoshopped photo of her a bunch of pages ago. worth skimming for!
  12. tasteless, but i'll be damned if those aren't pretty funny.
  13. i absolutely love 'blue velvet' as well, but i'm on the fence whether it qualifies as genius. and it may actually be a bad movie, but i love a lot of bad movies.
  14. agreed, you just happen to pick a really bad example to tie that point to. 'is this the case with the RNC protestors anarchists?' plenty to read about how they differ from those who were actually involved in the organized war protest to pretty well know for sure how warranted this was. if we're all copesetic about everybody's right for a pecaeful assembly w/out fear of one's safety...that has to work both ways. i'm not one to back anything being discussed at the RNC, but they have a right to organize discuss it as much as anybody else. yeah, i'm trying to make sure i seperate the two. i
  15. what are yoru nazi references? is that worse than regular nazi references? and caliber is on the money...there is so little parity if any at all to those two scenarios it remains laughable.
  16. 'who made who' makes an apperance on my ipod at least once a month. raised on a healthy diet of classic rock growing up in rural central illinois, i cannot deny my love the ac/dc. even 'razor's edge'.
  17. have you ever had a cup of gene simmons's coffee, my man? it's so mind-altering it'll even make you think busting up a macy's look like signing the declaration of independence.
  18. maybe not intentionally, but (as by now you've had plenty of time to bring up an associated press recount of the incidents or actually read my earlier post where i called it out) it was done by an organized group of self-professed anarchists. so, really, their point you seem to be backing really was about breaking shit for no apparent reason other than creating disorder and confusion. as far as the katrina thing goes, and lord knows they really did botch the reaction as a whole last time, sure seems to me to be a damned if you and damned if you don't react to it in the context of your conven
  19. you really think I'M going to press charges on something like that?! she'd have full amnesty. or diplomatic immunity. or whatever.
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