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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face," he said. "And if they tell you that, 'Well, we're not sure where he stands on guns.' I want you to say, 'He believes in the Second Amendment.' If they tell you, 'Well, he's going to raise your taxes,' you say, 'No, he's not, he's going lower them.' You are my ambassadors. You guys are the ones who can make the case."
  2. to be fair to TheMaker, the bomb queen chick from the comic book he has in his avatar is fucking hot. we see eye to eye there.
  3. i haven't read every single one, but i will say the last couple are indeed right on the money. i can completely coexist w/ and actually deeply RESPECT people who don't believe the way i do...it is when their need to prove their or anyone else's beliefs are superior to mine to the point where they need to berate me...fuck that. that's the funny thing...this website is the only place i'm ever put in a place to even have the discussion. i don't like anybody believeing they are above anybody else because of their belief in god anymore than someone believeing they are above anybody else because
  4. no worries. that said, i actually do find the use of the word 'retarded' to be slightly offensive and, well, childish. i don't use the word, but whatever. if your schtick is to shock to emphasize your point, i guess you gotta' do what you have to. i'd aslo liek to submit that these discussions hardly come out of anybody evangelizing their belief IN god, but the other way around...w/ one of the reasons behind it being how people of faith push their beliefs on others. that's probably my biggest issue that constantl ydraws me into these conversations. otherwise, i could give a care. the double-st
  5. absolutely possible! i have no issue whatsoever w/ atheism, zero. i completely understand why someone would have it as a belief or non-belief or whatever it is. someone saying 'god does not exist' in and of itself doesn't offend me at the least...someone even trying to convince me that god does not exist doesn't bother me (unless that's all they want to talk about). it's when you actually insult me or my intelligence for believeing. which, quite frankly, both the maker and j.nick do on a regular basis. take religion out of it...you call me stupid, for whatever reason and i don't think it is
  6. i respectfully disagree and funny enough, i think he would too.
  7. sorry, i'll be more specific...i'm trying to figure out how TheMaker and J. Crew get around the massive chip on their shoulder to pat themselves on the back for being so intellectually superior. i have no crisis of faith or crisis over their lack of it...i just think they get off on being edgy in their critisicism of a long list of things that goes way beyond the existence of god/religious belief. but, as i'll be reminded, i can always hit the ignore button and this is (gasp) actually a thread on J.Nick's favorite topic, so carry on.
  8. completely agree. i'm trying to figure out how some get around the massive chip on their shoulder to pat themselves on the back for being so intellectually superior.
  9. because, to paraphrase, we're idiots. for the record though, my belief in god couldn't be any less based in fear. Fred Phelps, James Dobson and the like are assholes and i denounce them. seriously.
  10. I think that there is some truth to the concept of an easier road to home ownership being part of the problem. Where I would differ in your view, is that it largely stems from it versus the abuse of the concept. Also, as John Smith stated, this mortgage debacle goes way beyond Fannie/Freddie. Bigger than that, our overall economic woes are not just mortgage-related...it's a huge part of it, but there are plenty of other contributors to worry about.
  11. you are fucking nuts. nice slap to the face for evey new yorker who stepped up to help their neighbor and those who traveled from cross-country to help out wherever they could. the money donated to the area to the extent they had stop taking donations? same w/ those looking to donate blood? that post is so insulting, i can't even begin to tell you how crazy i find it.
  12. read his clarification, that's exactly what he was talking about...are you still saying that local law enforcement/emergency and volunteers didn't rally when the clock struck midnight on 9/11? i'll just say that horrible incidents like 9/11 and katrina have been just as dilluted by scorn over the bush administration as they have by governmentally sanctioned blind patriotism. ugh, whatever...i have no idea what or why i'm arguing anymore.
  13. the real people or robot people? this thread has become...
  14. you do understand we were talking about the reaction of the american people to a foreign attack on american soil and, as i stated earlier, NOT the bush administration's horrible reaction to a natural disaster. quite a leap, but humoring you even in the context of katrina...would you say the area would be better or worse for the volunteer work done by non-governmental groups/individuals in aide ot the area? maybe i'm missing something...the 'US' in the phrase 'the US having their shit together' is only applicable to our elected officials/governmental agencies. if that's the case, then i'm h
  15. why? is this another one of those discussion of absolutes? either you are saying that on 9/12/01, every single american went straight into afghanistan to personally hunt down osama bin laden or they were at the mall sipping on an orange julius/buying capri pants?
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