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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. with 15 minutes and wikipedia...you're never wrong. i like maher, most of the time...i'm at least interested to check this out. way more than the rest of of this thread, for sure.
  2. No shit. Don't kid yourself into thinking this is an us vs. them or have vs. have not scenario.
  3. who says i don't have a sense of humor...the last few posts were hilarious.
  4. w/ all dure respect and before bobob says it...there are large % of each party who view things like that.
  5. i'm wearing the 'bros before hoes' obama/clinton tee as i type this.
  6. i agree, but this is much more 'obvious' satire than the original. that was my point. again, i love you, but you seem to have a hard on for proving the majority of the obama base to be a bunch of humorless brainwashed mooks.
  7. i realize you are playing jr. devil's advocate, but you do understand the difference?
  8. hopefully. the only thing better than the cubs going to the postseason would be the sox crumbling and not.
  9. i'm imagining watching a squadron of giant flying putin heads do tricks in the airspace outside of my office window while van halen's 'dreams' plays in the background.
  10. okay, it isn't even funny anymore. sweet jesus. 'fatheadfred' makes more sense than she does (barely).
  11. dude, c'mon. let's quit the passive/agressive party methodology of deflecting intelligent debate about the issues. i agree the bashing can become tedious and sometime borders on the ludicrous...but, honestly, there are serious flaws to the mccain/palin ticket and i'm not going to pull any punches over them.
  12. i'll spot you the letterman thing being blown out of proportion...but not he overall 'suspension' of his campaign. not that i'd vote for him anyway, but it just strikes me as both hollow as hell and desperate...i don't give a fuck what bill clinton says. maybe he isn't 'afraid' of a debate, but he's sure looking to distract everyone from recently highlighted inadequicies in his ticket.
  13. my grandpa and grandma wolf kicked all sorts of ass. they have set the bar for what i want to be as both a parent and grandparent and, bigger than that, a human being. i can only miss them so much, as i had so many wonderful years w/ them in my life...enough to last me through the rest of mine. i also wish my father-in-law hadn't passed so early. a no-nonsense carpenter who could be funnier than hell to boot. he would have gotten such a kick out of being a grandpa to twin boys.
  14. symbolic of him being a maverick bi-partisan fixer upper putting 'country first' or a holy shit hail mary because my campaign is deflating somewhat and debates are just going to make it worse? seriously. it's like obama stated in his press conference yesterday afternoon that the new president will have to 'deal with more than one thing at once.' so yeah...deal.
  15. obama riffs on him w/ paul schaeffer and the cbs orchestra?
  16. watching that interview w/ katie couric, i couldn't help but wait for her to say: 'Oh, he's very popular Katie. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude.' seriously, she's a younger, more attractive edie mcclurg.
  17. honestly? no. i'm going to go with the angle that they've taken continued flack for lack of dedicated resources to allocate to assist in states of natural disaster...because they've been out in iraq. or, maybe, right or wrong, w/ the possbility of having to ship out to additional areas of concern outside of iraq, we're opening ourselves up for another attack on our soil.
  18. this research definitively or even strongly fortifies the statement that they are going to declare martial law, dictatorship, monarchy, etc prior to the election?
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