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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. that was another thing that really irked me. she initially brought that "looking backwards" thing up when biden responded to a specific question...ABOUT BUSH ADMINISTRATION POLICY. i realize she stated she wasn't going to answer the questions being asked, but biden was. besides, when using each participants record and previous statements to establish your postion...how the hell can you not 'look backwards'? and, under their postion that mccain doesn't differ from the failed policies of bush versus chiding biden w/ some sort of goofy catchphrase ala' say it ain't so'...ESTABLISH WHAT THOSE DI
  2. i disagree. it's well-documented how i get just as tired as you of the empty insults fueled more by party-line than constructive, legitimate criticism...but really, there are plenty of legitimate observations here to substantiate why someone could continue to find palin a weak choice for VP.
  3. the whole calling me 'sweetie' thing reeks of a sex scandal hiding out somewhere in her past. however, the lady who looks like a caucasian california raisin and works at the deli counter would ma ke a good running mate. EL FAMOUS/DELI COUNTER LADY 2012 '(A LITTLE BIT) COUNTRY (AND A LITTLE BIT ROCK'N'ROLL) FIRST'
  4. i don't blame you. i had to eat a granola bar just to keep up my patience.
  5. what's not to like? seriously. my question is, why can't one look for a candidate who radiates positivity and hopefulness and wholesmomeness AND a distinct knowledge of policy that can benefit us all? since when does being 'normal' mean lacking a desire for substance? i like the cherubic grey-haired checkout lady at my local supermarket who always smiles and calls me 'sweetie'...she works hard and radiates positivity and hopefulness and wholesmomeness...but does that qualify her for election into the highest offices in the land? nope, it was in the back half.
  6. annoying and, as i'll still contend, insulting. i have a lot more faith in the intelligence of the american collective than some and this visible attempt at 'dumbing down' under a thinly-veiled 'straight talk' to 'main street' makes me sick.
  7. i tell you, i'm very surprsised nobody in here (especially in here) brought up her agreeing w/ the dick cheney approach to the vp position...that it is both legislative and executive, versus what it's supposed to be. i thought joe punctuated exactly how dangerous that type of view is very nicely. also, anybody thinks she made some of the religious conservative base she was brought in to capture by her suprisingly tolerant response to the gay community? i kind of got the vibe she agreed to something their platform doesn't really step up to.
  8. biden knew the mccain record/platform better than his own running mate. that's not a slam and i don't think she is an idiot...it's just an area that makes me extrememly uncomfortable. it's all been said in here over the past few pages. palin gave a performance geared at garnering popularity via personality. unfortunately, for me, that equates to bringing a 'running for grade school class president' approach to a flipping united states vice presidential debate. i feel insulted by that and further insulted by her contrived 'regular folk' speak...a complete amped up cartoon version of how real
  9. i'm still rooting for them, i'll ALWAYS roote for them...but jeezus. after sitting through an hour and a half of bile-inducing 'you betchas' and other contrived hockey-momisms...turning the channel to see them floundering was the suck.
  10. the poor man's doc martin...and i thought that you'd enver dare associate w/ anything w/ 'poor man's' in front of it. i expected better.
  11. and to get even more pop-todd on your asses, i also have a copy of the Roger Hallmark and The Thrasher Brothers 1979 gem 'A Message to Khomeini' up for your listening pleasure, as a tie-in to a post about sarah becoming 'joe six-pack american'.
  12. speaking of the VP Debate... Sarah Palin vs. E.C. Comics funny stuff for comic book lovers and sarah pallin dislikers like me.
  13. fucking dempster. that grand slam took the air out of wrigley like a motherfucker. my wife is convinced we jinx them every time we watch a game and suggested we don't watch any of the remaining. what are we, goats?
  14. what the fuck are you talking about?! who said i was 'peering into the mind of god'? i can be arrogant alright, but i'm no fucking mind-reader (that's your job). do i actually have to read someone's mind to believe they may have a plan for something?
  15. as much as it pains me, yes. all i can say is...'puff, puff give' pedro.
  16. forsee something different...change the future!
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