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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i hear you. as i said earlier, i'd never take anything away from bob and/or husker du. to me it's the antihesis of 'abstract' in westy's lyrics that still slay me to this day. but, again, to each their own.
  2. the gift that keeps on giving all year long. i do agree they are nuts though. and i love steak.
  3. going back to the fur thing...i love PETA's nude celebrity campaign and other clothing optional activism. not enough to swear off KFC, but it makes me think about being a vegetarian for a few seconds. and if anybody thinks one party is to blame for the financial catastrophe we're in, you need to check your head. wow.
  4. i love 'em both, but the only thing they had in common w/ the Du was being from the same city. completely different bands and, personally, i always thought paul's lyrics were 10X better than bob's. for starters. plus, i identify more w/ the traditional rock influences that went into the mats...stones to kiss to slade to big star to etc. to each their own.
  5. For music and comic book heads alike, Image just released a 10th anniversary edition of Mike Allred's 'Red Rocket 7' in both a 45-sized TPB and hardback limited-edition: Kind of a sci-fi spin on the origins of rock'n'roll... Finally got my copy today. Beautiful stuff.
  6. i tell you this, for any mats/paul/tommy fans that have never checked out that 'open season' soundtrack...pure (at time orchestral) power pop bliss. my kids only know it as the 'boog music', but they dig it as much as i do. outside of that, the reality is they've done one off stuff together for quite some time now...if i recall correctly, tommy was in on some of paul's solo stuff. regardless, that'd be ginchy to see them do something more legit. and the recent string of remasters have been on constant rotation. forgot how much i love the back half of their career just as much, if not more,
  7. is that w/ brianna banks? seriously, i have no clue what the hell that even means.
  8. it just hit me. i know i earlier compared her to the secretary in ferris bueller's day off, but it just hit me that last night she sounded exactly like grandpa howard during the long duck dong dinner scene in sixteen candles. you betcha.
  9. not 'main street'...not 'wall street'...just STREET. well done, white shadow.
  10. you're the one wearing sketchers aren't you? don't tell me you are going to feign offense to skecher jokes now too?
  11. dude, i'm sorry, but after yesterday every one of your posts looks like this in my head: you're my boy blue, i'm not ready for another round of 'church folks, you so crazy!' on the eve of a big debate and in the midst of a crazy ass fucking bailout.
  12. no doubt on both counts. i'm not booing them at all, but i would love to see them actually play up to their potential.
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