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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. amen to that, brother. the last two elections really did a number on both my confidence and interest in our political system. i felt a little beat down and definitely way more pessimistic. if anything, Obama recharged my optimism...maybe not so much in the actual political system, but the american people themselves. that said, as long as you cast an educated ballot and voted w/ the clearest conscience possible, god bless. may the best (black) man win.
  2. chicago northwest burbs...i was in and out in ~ 20 minutes. i think the early voting helped ease the pain a little for procrastinators like me.
  3. right on. i do believe if you are going to try and pass one, you better damn well make sure you are handling the funds appropriately...it can fuck you for the next request if you don't.
  4. therein lies another misnomer, that just because one would benefit personally from said cut...that they still agree w/ a cut and/or revision of the brackets in and of itself. jude, not an attack, but i'm curious on how you vote w/ school referendums come up on a ballot? w/ a father and a wife who are both educators, i've been personally involved in/campaigned for a bunch and the public reaction to those are just as fascinating to me as presidential elections.
  5. amen. that never seems to get brought up as much as one would think.
  6. of course not, but as much as i love you...after poudning everybody else for hard numbers, that response was kind of weaksauce. to be fair, there is a part of me that does challenge to what level one should be asked to be 'their brother's keeper' before you become more of an enabler than a helping hand. however, it really vexes me when that turns into that i'm asking for a handout for either myself or anybody else in support of this tax plan. jude isn't saying that, but my aforementioned captialist pals do. really, the whole thing is greyer than that...but, you can't campaign effectively w/out
  7. completely un-scientific, but the reasons for the surprisingly large % of some of my college buddies voting for mccain have nothing to do w/ faith-based rationale and EVERYTHING to do w/ a perceived 'redistribution of wealth' they find to be counterproductive to their financial well-being. more blunly, they're pissed they 'work their asses off and people are going to get hand-outs.' i've diffused the argument as much as possible, but economics are still the reasons they can't bring themselves to vote for Obama. whatever. i believe the rationale for a lot of those mccain supporters is much
  8. c'mon dude. feel free to elevate the discussion and contribute something...even if it is handing me a box of kleenex or something.
  9. i forgot i had that! i may have to bust that out when i take the kids treak or treating. otherwise, i'm just going as a hipster doofus dad w/ a bad haircut.
  10. i'm just waiting for j.nick to post up w/ a huge wiki editorial on what hitchens or DFW's favorite porn is and why.
  11. nation, i think that TV appearance and tune, just turned me back into the gushing fanboy i haven't been since seeing them at Otto's at the cusp of the AGIB touring. if the newalbum has even a few tunes like that, i'll be stoked.
  12. please inform your 6-year-old he made my sig line. that is awesome.
  13. no, i think the obama marketing campaign has just been that damn effective. he's all but cornered the important 2-3 year old voting block. come to think of it, logan refuses to share his toys...he may have bought into the socialism talking point from the mccain camp, but can't vote that way because johnny mac doesn't wear a cape.
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