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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. 'my american dream'. she also looks to take liberties w/ the trademark palin 'wink' in more ways than one. say what you want, it's things like this that make me a naysayer that our freedoms have really been that infirnged upon. not that anybody really wants to see ahmadinejad or kim jong porn, but goddamn i love this country. i always forget me and B are related. of course i'm joking, as i'd guess i'm actually slightly blacker than he is.
  2. you're either not looking at the right pictures or jealous then...she looks nothing at all like a man, some parts are extremely un-manlike. edie, c'mon'...this is the perfect scenario for 'DRILL BABY DRILL!' and it may just be me, this sis the one time i'd like to hear her replace 'oh baby' w/ a litany of 'you betchas'.
  3. it's not in a car. it's on a couch...and coffee table...and floor...lamp...etc. she's got a great rack, but it's the ample/perfectly proportioned backside that really sells it. i won't even mention what happens to those iconic librarian glasses. suffice to say, good thing she had them on.
  4. words do not do it justice. if the real sarah palin looked like and did things like that on my TV while in office, i'd be alongside you and jude in the voting booth.
  5. need for legislation, maybe not...using it a basis of argument for legislation, kind of. really though, shouldn't it be apples/apples (or at least closer than condoms/seatbelts) if your using that as your grounds for similar legislation?
  6. if you were, i'd say that comparing birth control to seat belts is kind of apples/oranges. you have a lot less control over getting into a traffic accident than who you sleep with and using a condom/getting tested together/jack and jill party when you do.
  7. FYI: for the record, i obtained executive privelege to photos of the first scene of 'nailin' paylin' and it's worth checking out no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on. she takes on two russians whose car has broken down near her home, obviously right on the alaska border.
  8. how so? you are actually removing a layer in the fact they don't even have to physically leave their home.
  9. yeah, sorry...i saw that after i posted. that said, i think the issue is more that it's harder to equate contraception with neccesary health care. i do think, that w/ STD's and AIDS, it does make the use of a condom a legitimate health issue. however, and i know they j.nick will correct me that we a biologicially wired to be unable to refuse to fuck, you still have the option of not having sex w/ someone you aren't 100% sure of being clean.
  10. now you're kind of making additional slope or something like that. 'small towns' do not equate to 'poorest' and as i stated, a town's population may not even be large enough to finanically sustain a local pharmacy. luckily, that isn't an issue...again, mail order or in the case of non-prescribed contraception, you make the trek to the local super wal-mart up the highway or to the niche hometown conveneicence store/gas station or even truck stop to buy condoms.
  11. actually, i'm not sure it is. is contraception considered a 'medical requirement' in all cases? personally, i don't really care...as stated, slope or not, there are plenty of viable alternatives to folks who have only one pharmacy option or, better yet, NO local pharmacy option, to obtain whatever they want.
  12. there are only 5 states that require a pharmacist to carry all legally prescribed drugs...i know illinois is one of them, don't recall the others.
  13. in that case...sayyyy, do you like cigars?
  14. that's the next financial-crisis related gal on gal porn w/ a suze orman lookalike. btw, still not running for president.
  15. it was either that or post a youtube link to the video for Re-Flex's 'politics of dancing'.
  16. i'm not too proud to say my morbid (or is it perverse) curiousity would compel me to watch at least several minutes of a kathy griffin porn. and that, my friends, is exactly why you'll never see me run for president. i actually introduced myself to nina as a big fan in vegas one year. the AVN show is always same time as the consumer electronics show. quite frankly, i'd advise erring on the side of caution and not meeting any of those entertainers in person. some look good, some...not so much.
  17. Introducing Lisa Ann as 'Sarah' (From Huffington Post, no nudity, but not really SFW) In brilliant casting, the legendary Nina Hartley (who was the gangbang wife in Boogie Nights as well) will play Hillary. Anyone familiar w/ her work can only imagine the possibilities this will provide in 'Hillary' 'sticking it' to 'Palin' and 'Condi'.
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