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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. awww man, RIP to the avenging disco godfather.
  2. can you use your crystal ball to tell me if the cubs will ever win the series and if i'll ever get my boys potty-trained?
  3. i'd love to see the death of the two-party system as well, but what i'd really like to see would be these 'alternative' parties really take the time to legitimately build their respective fifedoms into viable entities via more focus on state and local...versus throwing a guy in the presidential race every four years or bobob's plan of building one on the back of further economic ruin, thanks.
  4. last night: great flick. light on gore, but heavy on the 'make you watch by peeking through your fingers' scares. nothing revoultionary, but a perfect halloween flick. no spoliers, but the end made me realize how conditioned i am to a certain type of horror flick formula...i liked how disturbed it left me. in lighter fare, tonight: it's been in my netflix que forever. must have watched it w/ my bro and sis every time it came on HBO back in the day.
  5. i've never been that big on live albums, but i never travel far...without a little budokan. sounds kind of cool...
  6. i'm undecided between obama girl and the sarah lookalike in the upcoming flick 'who's nailin' palin?'.
  7. heard all about joe the plumber, but what about sam the butcher... or, for that matter, abdullah the butcher...
  8. too funny. my fraternity alumni message board has had nary a peep about the election and just today a thread devoted to it was opened up w/ a decent % of the guys backing mccain. same banter about the economic stuff, except w/ a higher % of judes than john smith's.
  9. really?! jules/jude, want to go throw water balloons at poor people w/ mr. drummond off my penthouse patio?
  10. this book has been out for a while i think.
  11. thank you for creepily substantiating my point, d. cheap fucking trick, motherfucker.
  12. in all fairness, why don't you try...if just to prove a point. to be fair to the other side, you do seem to bait a lot...as does jules, jude, etc. no big deal to me, but i can see why it becomes irksome and somebody could clamor for more substance. that's why, even though we're pretty opposite on most political fronts, i can't help but like ikol...you can disagree with him, but he comes w/ intelligent detail to why he says what he does. and it's often funnier too.
  13. i respectfully disagree on 'simply not the case'. granted, sometimes they deserve it...but sometimes they don't. there are legitimate acts of jerkiness on both sides.
  14. are you flirting w/ me or dehydrated from all the 'e'?
  15. i agree with you, but no matter what sort of spin you put on it...it's still open to interpretation. i may not like it, but i try to be tolerant of it as much as i can. PATMT, i have no clue what you're doing...let me turn it on you, do you really want to list out each of obama's policies you agree with, how they differ from mccain's and why you support them. by this point, if someone says they like mccain tax policies better than b's, how can you not not know what the differences are?
  16. it's also a little known fact that jim neighbors was british and spoke w/ a heavy accent when not in public.
  17. i do find it funny, that one of the biggest reasons a lot folks here voted for kerry (including me) was based on little more than 'he's not bush'...now, you're poking at people for more detail when they say 'he's not obama'. can't you guys just get that certain folks may find similiar issues important to them that you do...however, their view of how said issue needs to be addressed can lead them to a candidate that isn't yours. that, kids, is democracy.
  18. great. 'jeff tweedy can't read'...'obama is a terrorist'...way to monger the fear, fear mongering fear mongerer.
  19. i feel safe in saying that jeff tweedy actually wept into his laptop after reading the last couple of posts. seriously, how do you guys look at yourself listening to wilco in the mirror?
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