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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. ahhh. to be fair though, it is arguable that your physical proximity to the actual city does make 'culture' more accesible than if you lived downstate. not neccesarily better, just better access. it's why, as much as i love my hometown and growing up there/central illinois in general, i could never move back.
  2. exactly who are you talking about?
  3. $10 he lifted his face out of the pillow towards the nightstand to verify it.
  4. i don't recall ever actually discussing and/or defining my 'idea' of God. like a lot of folks, sure...my belief came about initially through my family. that said, over the years, it's become more founded more on my own experiences and how they've shaped my faith. couldn't you say the same for being indoctrined to certain scientific schools of thought? i'm not really sure how influence from a particular source giving you inspiration for a certain belief is relevant...some tennants still resonate, but a lot of them don't.
  5. cannot be so easily seperated by you. i have no problem in doing so. besides, i made a distinction between religion and faith.
  6. pretty much, but nobody around there is a fucking rams fan for chrissakes. pick a state!
  7. i grew up on the mason dixon line of midwest baseball in central illinois...i'm the only one in my immediate family that isn't a cardinals fan. still don't fucking understand that...YOU LIVE IN ILLINOIS! my grandparents and aunt neat were the ones that raised me on the cubbies.
  8. personally, it's ~ 4 years of living in a house w/ a large contingent of southsiders who absolutely despised the cubs...coupled w/ self-admitted jealousy over their recent series win. if it 's any consolation, i still hate the cardinals more.
  9. never really been able to get behind hockey...but could totally get behind a hockey mom.
  10. i was rooting for them to implode, but congrats. it is kind of fun to have the city bursting at the seams w/ october baseball. that said...GO CUBS!
  11. i can totally understand that and have, at numerous times, been there myself. which is what i get frustrated with in these conversations...there is a big difference between religion (especially of the organized variety) and faith. i take no issue w/ anyone who holds organized religion suspect, but when that traverses into a definitive high ground that it does nothing (or even little) good is ludicrous. i also take issue w/ holding the respective belief system more accountable than the individuals who actually DO bad things in God's name.
  12. Maher was on the Daily Show last night and, while smugly funny as usual, summarized the crux of flick pretty nicely. While he is looking to point out the many absurdities/perils of many organized religions (which I agree there are a lot of), he's stopping short of backing atheism and the implausability of a God/higher power...because, nobody has a definitive answer one way or the other. I'm interested in checking this out, whether I agree w/ everything in it or not.
  13. i finally got a library card yesterday! haven't had one since i was a kid. my wife informed me they have a huge section of graphic novels, so i went and loaded up.
  14. this thread, sure...it's your definition of 'elsewhere where appropriate' that makes you come off like a dude w/ an agenda...who likes to post a lot of quotes, which (BTW) doesn't neccesarily make you 'well-read'. vintage. whatever, my man...i'll stop before someone gets on me for being too personal. don't stop, non-believen...hold onto that feelin'.
  15. 'The Palace at 4am' gets just as many spins today that 'AGIB' does...which also equates to 1,000,000,000,000 more spins than 'SBS'. besides, he looks more like zodiac mindwarp than bret michaels in that picture.
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