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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i like it. still think it sounds like a complete beta band rip-off, but i like the beta band. 'gamma ray' is a wonderful jam.
  2. yeah, not going to apologize for anything as i found none of it that offensive in comparison w/ the overall glut of posts found within this thread and others...but, because i dig miss y, i'll refrain and tell everybody else to go outside for awhile and get some fresh air. also, kudos for reaching new levels of borderline insane paranoia/left-wing furor.
  3. i have to go run some errands, but i can't wait to see the responses when i get back.
  4. it de-evolved before it hit the second page. if you don't mind me asking, why don't you like shaved pussy? how do you look at yourself in the miroor?
  5. Any reason I give to you will not satisfy you, and I don't really care. To be honest, I've gotten past the point of trying to explain my beliefs in anything more than superficial terms on message boards. Mostly because I don't have many concrete ones. My views are subject to change, and I don't like to dig myself a hole that I'll have to try to explain my way out of. i fully condone airbrushing.
  6. larry flynt would kill it for me. i don't agree w/ his policy on open beaver shots.
  7. if hillary can as close as she did to the nomination, i see no issue w/ a veep choice of barbie benton.
  8. hells yes...it'd be more peaceful nation if the white house had a grotto filled w/ equal parts water, tits and ass. you know, like the clinton administration!
  9. i just don't want my pornography legislated by monsignor bush and his evil oil-mongering god squad. if they were more porno friendly, i might be a little more open to smelling what they are cooking. i was going to post something about being angry the beck album hadn't leaked yet, but as i'm listening to it now...i'll stick w/ my porn argument.
  10. i think this may be my favorite beta band record yet.
  11. yep. like tully said earlier, i'd like to see me some lobster johnson in some fashion...really, he deserves his own spinoff. i even think a B.P.R.D. flick would hold up on it's own. dude, gas up perm force one and we'll go catch it at streets of woodfield together.
  12. agreed. as i've finally started down the path of actually reading mignola's work, it really does cast light on just how perfect del toro is to helm these things.
  13. i didn't vote for bush either time, but i look at myself in the mirror just like morris day, w/ assistance from jerome. this thread is something.
  14. this seems like one of those films of such wide scope, that a lot would be lost in translation by not seeing it on the big screen.
  15. chills. i'm w/ perm...'batman begins' did a great job at starting the realignment the franchise to the more modern, less campy, darker, graphic-novely it deserves. however, 'dark knight' really looks like that change realized. i'm fucking stoked. plus, like you said, hellboy the week before. hoo-ha!
  16. sources also said she was supposed to play barbarella and she's not. she'd make a horrible red sonja. maybe vampirella...but that's even a stretch. nothing to do w/ movies, but the big wizard world comic con whoopdeedoo yesterday was pretty awesome...overwhelming, but awesome. sat in on a marvel comics panel w/ aricanmarcrumselfdover, but got so wrapped up in picking through bins of 50% off trades/graphic novels (sorry, tully!)...never made it back to any of the panels. i pissed at the urinal next to formal WWF IC champ, the honkeytonk man, taked for a few minutes to the guy who played cou
  17. i'd be interested to hear what david foster wallace has to say about this...
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