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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. fair enough. since we're all a big fan of posting quotes and articles...
  2. actually, i went back to the first few pages of this thread and i'll resubmit that there was some pompous, self-rightous stereotyping and even baiting that occured right from the get-go and then some major league passive-agressive attempt at the jedi mindtrick when called on the carpet for it. mature, non-partisan dialogue about the original subject ceased pages before my first post. so, again, this thread is really something.
  3. i'm going to throw gamma ray out again.
  4. i completely agree. didn't get that at all from some of your earlier posts, but if it's just that, than cool.
  5. so, versus saying he fucked up...we'll be better armed to say he REALLY fucked up. awesome. this is seriously no bait or dig or anyone, but what is really disheartening about these threads...so much focus on what everybody is against rather than what they're for. that is just my personal interpretation and it just kind of bums me out.
  6. neither do i, but haven't we done that ad naseum?
  7. i know you didn't aske me, but the economy. while intertwined to a certain extent, iraq is not the only, if even main, issue in that multi-faceted issue. i'm prioritizing a stable econmony where i can maintain a job to have an income to provide for my family at the best level possible. that said, the us position in iraq and beyond is a high-ranking concern as well...but not a concern over how it was handled, but how it's going to be handled. speaking tactically, if we are looking at iraq as the issue to hang our hat on to deny another republican administration, we'll be on the receiving end
  8. that is not baiting at all nor a mischarachterization, that is me trying to understand the way you are engaging w/ those who may have opposing viewpoints. you've stated yourself that anybody who make any statement on here should be open to explaining what they've stated. i oppose the president too, i'm not debating you on that. i'm debating, and please correct me if i'm wrong, the level of accountability you seem to be ascribing to anybody who voted for him and how it effects how you interact w/ them. is it possible that someone who voted for bush, did so for other reasoing outside of his st
  9. so, you don't like people attacking you for opposing president, but it's okay to attack those who don't?
  10. you mean 'Top 5 Presidents to go out drinking the blood of slaughtered innocent children from a golden challace paid for by halliburton with'?
  11. in looking at numerous posts in this thread and others, i am hardly mischaracterizing anything. okay, that said, how are you politically active? better yet, as an example, how is a comment like 'how do you look at yourself in the mirror' reaching across the aisle?
  12. i'm not going to speak for chris. i completely understand where you are coming from, but let's be clear, there are plenty of things this administration has done and continues to do that make me furious. thing is, just getting 'angry' changes absolutely nothing. just getting 'angry' at someone who voted for him changes absolutely nothing. just sharing your 'anger' w/ a message board where most likely 98% of the other posters already agree and piling on said administration against 5-6 posters changes absolutely nothing. actively campaigning for an alternative to what your angry with...engag
  13. A. so, let's say jules, because he voted for bush, 'inflicted his blind opinions and wills on a nation, now puts on blinders and is sharpening his knife for the next kill'?! dude, that's couldn't illustrate the type of polarizing generalization i'm talking about! B. i didn't call you or anyone else anything. if i took apart anything, it's what you and others said...not you or anybody else individually. i don't how i could explain my viewpoints any clearer than the past several posts have done already.
  14. blue, c'mon. i don't like bush one iota and i consider myself at a meteroic jay-z level of success. honestly though, does one's success always come at the expense of others? or does one who enjoys a certain level of success always fo so w/ little to no regard for those who haven't?
  15. all i was trying to get at, versus any sort of debate on the proper context of the word 'evil', is how damaging the language, tone and oft time disregard for legitimate discourse in favor of finger-wagging was to the drive to remove bush from office in the last election and how it could be just as damaging to those who aren't in favor of another republican administration under McCain. i would agree wholeheartedly, that as voters, we certainly do share some amount of responsibility for the actions of those we elect. but there are limits. nobody has a crystal ball and, even after educating yo
  16. i never made said pledge, but if you're equating me saying 'tits' 'ass' and 'pussy' w/ slagging off on people who believe in god...awesome! PM me!
  17. here's my impression of this thread by the time we starting joking around: dead. horse. beaten. i was goofing around, not at all 'bombing this thread' to 'get a point across'. i said 'tits' 'ass' and made a play on words for an EXISTING thread that already had pussy in the title. lighten up. as far as everything else, we are obviously reading different threads. no blood, no foul...sorry you don't like surprises.
  18. i seriously don't even recall one note of how the last one sounded, so i'm fine w/ this one. i do find it to be a good summer album, but in the sit on my back porch w/ a pint and comic book after the kids go to bed sort of way.
  19. it has seemingly gotten more enjoyable w/ each listen...a grower as the kids call it. a slow-burner.
  20. aside from that, i think comparing the past 8 years under the bush administration to nazi germany, inferring that bush intentionally let 9/11 happen and focusing on his 'evil' intentions in an effort to sway people from voting him/mccain versus more tangible examples of his ineptitude in matters like the overall economy and actual tactical decisions made in iraq happening today (versus constant rehashing of his poor decision of sending us in there in the first place)...to be no less crazy than someone believing in god. it's that type of melodramatic posturing that drove me further to the cen
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