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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. whoa. i suddenly found myself EXTREMELY excited for this. i was looking forward to it, but that sounds fantastic.
  2. unc, i love you buddy, but aren't you consistently generalizing those who DO support the policies of Obama? that entire post was one for your 'greatest passive/agressive' hits.
  3. i just recently purchased both Season I & II on DVD.
  4. total bummer. one of the true greats of comedy and overall social commentary. it's funny too, as i hear his voice all the time because we watch both the movie 'cars' and the cartoon 'thomas and friends' just about every day...quite the juxtaposition from his brilliant stand up work.
  5. left-wing or right-wing, we should all be able to agree on the virtues of the thick brazillian booty.
  6. that is why i have virtually no interest in hearing this. if i want an industrial rock sound, i'll listen to NIN or (better yet) ministry. i liked my G'n'R when they were taking influence from ac/dc, hanoi rocks, aerosmith and just a touch of various punk bands. even when they polished up their sound via nice production on use your illusion(s), they were still a ROCK band first and foremost.
  7. and that is the tenant of the whole 'separation of church and state' thing i can get behind...i don't think that any certain religion be mandated by government to anybody. nor do i think that any one religious faith be allowed to a direct influence to public policy affecting those who don't follow it. problem is, nobody wants to believe there is happy medium somewhere there.
  8. including holidays? and, why even when it's non-denominational? are your replacing mandatory w/ organized? not on the attack, i'm just really interested.
  9. i think leaning too far one way or the other can desensitize you to seeing it happen from whatever 'side' you're on. meaning, you are more apt to pay less attention that someone militantly esconsing something you agree with than something you don't. as i've gone from a doe-eyed uber left-wing college kid to a more cautious centrist father of two, i see both sides having the potential to be completely capable of a total lack of civil discourse and respect. the phrase 'holier than thou' doesn't seem to be mutually exclusive to those who believe in anything holy. 'i'm better than you' may be a
  10. i don't know if i really mean structured periods of time for prayer, more so the ability for a child to do so when the moment allows...not just christian kids either, but those of any other faith where it's a part of their daily life. i guess i'm also a little uneasy w/ earlier bagging on folks actively protesting gay-marriage w/ suggestions they should just ignore it because it doesn't really infringe upon their lives...but, a kid wanting to express/practice his religious beliefs in a school setting can't be ignored as well. we've had this dicsussion before and it troubles me a little...the
  11. while i don't understand what the highbrow side of you says half the time, i'd happily have a few leinie's over a viewing of 'beneath the valley of the ultravixens' w/ the lowbrow side anyime. happy b-day!
  12. B, just watched this last night... 'Schlock! The Secret History Of American Movies' a fun doc as a whole, if just for the treasure trove of b-movie and exlpoitation footage. the interviews w/ some of the producers/directors/architechts of the genre were kind of fun too. granted, a little lacking in spots relative to coverage of other influential folks (Russ Meyer for example) and missing subsets w/in the genre (AIE's teenage monster/kicks films get a lot of play, but no their beach/surf movies). it also makes an interesting case for how these type of films broke down a lot of barrie
  13. here's the thing, kind of founded by your 'p.s.'...maybe it's just me and maybe it's just on here, but i always get this attitude that 'religious folks and right-wingers' have the market cornered on claiming said high ground and *preventing others from going their own way*. i'm not saying all 'religious folks and right-wingers' are innocents, but i will say there is plenty of 'demonization' happening all the way around. you can argue who 'demonizes' more than the other guy, but my point is...'demonizing' someone else because they 'demonized' first and/or more is on par w/ the argument 'but mom
  14. that said, i hear what you're saying marlon perkins...it can get a bit excessive.
  15. i call bullshit. i've seen it time and time again on here...it's not just about expressing your beliefs, it's about expressing your beliefs as the only ones possible. it's so evil when the religious folks and/or right-wingers do it...but not the other way around. no one thinks badly of anyone for not having an abortion or not being gay and engaging in a same-sex marriage...but they do seem to think badly of those who don't think it's okay.
  16. absolutely. i'm not absolving anybody of anything here. that's my point. however, you can't knock somebody for stereotyping and badmouth them for respecting others beliefs/lifestyle and then do the same thing without, IMO, it being equally disrespectful. as far as the whol 'moral' thing goes...i'm probably getting caught up in semantics and replacing 'religious' w/ 'moral', because they are so oft interchangeable on here. meaning, my stance on abortion is in no way grounded in my religious beliefs. that said, taking issue w/ either subject in regards to the possible psychological impact a
  17. all that after :30? hell bjorn, you should write reviews for blender magazine.
  18. considering i'm pro-choice and pro-gay marriage, i'm finding little need to argue against and/or prove/disprove negative/postive affects of either. as usual, what i take offense to, is the lack of respect for those who may have issues, moral or not, w/ those things. they're flippantly cast aside as stupid biblebangers and/or shirtless hillbillys...entire geographic areas of the US are stereotyped...by the same folks who'd flip out over a stereotyped gay joke. hypocrites dogging on hyprocrites, but it's okay because you're always smarter than everybody else. pffft.
  19. isn't 'cliched dialogue' one of the pillars of the whole comic book structure. i realize the bar has been lifted to extrordinary heights over the years, but still...it's supposed to be fantasy and, hopefully, fun.
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