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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. that flick was horrendous. beautifully animated, but annoying as hell to watch. both I and my kids hated it. i can't disagree w/ the digs on dreamworks as a whole, but, again, madagascar was hardly laden w/ irony, sarcasm and cynicism...there were a few contemporary pop culture references, but most were from more of a 70's/80's standpoint (Planet of the Apes, Chariots of Fire)...the actors involved did a great job. like everybody has stated though...there is the pixar stuff and then, quite frankly, everything else.
  2. only available in the UK, but... THESE ARE FREAKING SWEET!
  3. whoa. nice! there is a shop ut here in the burbs that offers 25% of all novels/trades every day, but some of the deals on those sites are freaking killer. thanks! yeah, i'm thinking a wizard subscription may be in the cards.
  4. oh wow, that sounds awesome. those were a staple of my youth and it was one of the coolest dad moemnts ever when we got the boys their first golden books.
  5. as an aside, i've gone on a charlie-sheen-esque bender of comics lately...mostly older mike allred stuff (madman, the atomics, x-statix), but i also picked up the 'kingdom come' paperback trade, beto hernandez's 'girl crazy' trade, those 'godland' trades i posted earlier, i asked for the fancy schmancy hardbound 'final frontier' for father's day and i've been picking up wizard magazine every time a new one comes out. it's bad...this is way too expensive of a way to keep myself busy.
  6. speaking as a parent whose watched Madagascar so many times it's near zapruder status for me...that movie ain't that bad...in fact, i actually ended liking it alot. granted, it's not pixar caliber material by any means, but it was a good story w/ good chachter development and plenty of pop culture reference over the kids heads to keep me interested. and zohan looks as bad as little nicky.
  7. joke after hearing a loud bang in the background while he spoke to the National Rifle Association recently:
  8. UW is like the obi-wan of passive/agressive posting. nice to see you again, unc!
  9. that MeTV is the shit. lost in space on the weekend and wild wild west every night at 8PM.
  10. if you missed the daily show last night, consider it your civic duty to watch both clips of their coverage on this on comedy central's website. one of the best daily shows i've ever seen.
  11. you'd think i'd be mature enough to pass up the opportunity to type 'shaved pussy' in an election thread...but i'm obviously not.
  12. 'obama girl' and scarlett...isn't that enough to get you on board my liberal soul train of change? vote or die, diddy!!!
  13. the 'specifics' are all out there...for both candidates. take accountability for yourself and look for them. it ain't that hard.
  14. newest member: federalbureauofinvestigation47
  15. i just wanted to chime in and say that charlotte chick is kind of hot. and that this season was on par w/ the first. good stuff.
  16. i proudly join rapper ludacris and present to you the OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT OF THE DALEK NATION (aka 'STOP! OBAMA TIME')
  17. bon jovi 'access all areas' and i'm not being sarcastic or ironic. complete documentation of the band at their hugest during the entire worldwide 'new jersey' tour. fond memories of my big-haired youth. i also dug beulah's 'a good band is easy to kill'...a lot.
  18. race may not affect someone's ability to physically/mentally make decisions, but someone's race can most definitely influence the decisions that person makes. i don't think that obama will let his race do that, but i would never vote for jesse jackson and/or al sharpton because i think it would. does that make me racist? them? both? neither? regardless, unless mccain has been declared legally senile...basing a campaign attack around his age is kind of kindergarten if you ask me. as a card-carrying democrat, i find that behavior embarassing. racism, ageism, whatever...anything you can add an
  19. No doubt. RIP, Bo...not only a great performer, but one of the great 'charachters' in rock'n'roll.
  20. if it was any more solid gold it would have featured an introduction by adrian zmed. happy birthday, dante. SCRUB!
  21. Soon to be Artist Formerly Known as the Soon to be Artist Known as Pedro, Good luck! Here's that pic of me, you and charles from that thing: You can put it up in your locker at your new school. E-BFF! Peace Out, Morris (Yount!)
  22. me too...it's a love of all that UK stuff from that period that puts peel in the top spot.
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