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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. 'The New Frontier (Absolute Edition)'...quite possibly the most beautiful looking book (inside and out) and amazingl piece of comic book work i've ever read/owned. AND 'Cubs Forever: Memories from the Men Who Lived Them' Includes the DVD of the special they ran on WGN a while back. Both the team and the station were a huge part of my life growing up, so it's a really fun read. Both were Father's Day gifts...my kids/wife rule.
  2. ditto. i had a great time. it ended up being way better than i expected. aside from the FX being much better than the previews had seemed to dictate, the story itself was just as engaging and interesting to watch. a solid effort.
  3. 'rudy' gets me every time. the score alone will make my eyes misty. i remember, as a kid, this: turning me into an emotional wreck.
  4. i barely watch any of the major news networks, but i had a whopper last night. may not be good for me, but they are fucking good.
  5. ...and i dock myself 5 points for overuse of the word fuck in the backhalf of that post.
  6. i do think it's possible. is their job to report the news or create the news. meaning, for example, the immediate need to not only report when something goes wrong...but why it went wrong and who is to blame. the urge to speculate to satisfy the mcculture's need for insatnt gratification on closure, before having all of the facts. that said, to be clear, i'm referring more to the fact that people think they are watching legitimate news when they are viewing any sort of crossfire-eque show w/ the 'right-wing guy' and the 'left-wing guy'...the punditry based shows that offer absolutely no v
  7. the liberal and/or conservative slant on what is supposed to be news...by ANY network...that is what is killing legitimate, intelligent discussion on real issues. opinions and punditry, by both sides of the fence, have replaced fact...neglecting the reality that real life is much more somehwere in the middle.
  8. Movies Watched with the Most Tissues Needed? 'Big Boob Bangeroo'?
  9. i'm actually kind of interested now...but i didn't read the book, so i have very few preconceptions. looks like the type of slick action shootemup flick i'm a sucker for. that said, looks like the premise of the book was way cooler than the flick.
  10. i believe i may, yes. just trying to figure out which day will work for me. we're going to ravinia to see poi dog pondering that sunday and my folks are coming up to watch the kids, so saturday may be out as well. so, i'm thinking about taking the day off on friday and heading over then. i should know by end of the week...i'll PM you.
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