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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. yes, rejecting the so-called 'standard' and yet embracing the beauty of ALL women is indeed a contradiction. i wouldn't argue that there are some unrealistic standards that women (and men) will take upon themselves relative to their physical appearance...but i don't see what that has to do w/ finding jessica simpson attractive. i can (and do) find all sorts of women of varying body types/personalities/intelligence/whatever attractive, as there are just as many different types of attraction as there are folks to be attracted to. i'd screw jessica simpson in a heartbeat, but i don't think i'd
  2. Jessica Beil could manhandle me anytime she wants.
  3. or surgically enhanced. hate to say it, IRDB is right...she may be a bit Barbie-esque, but she's not that artificial looking. to each their own though.
  4. Their last disc, 'Love and Distance', was fantastic...it struck me as vintage U2 (sometimes the Cure) meets postal service in spots and the one previous to that ('Young Effectuals') is solid too. They've been throwing in less and less electronic flourishes w/ each release and really seem to to be honing a more organic, but equally as interesting, sound. This disc is a great way to kick off the year. Definitely reccomend checking out their previous releases, especially L&D, as well.
  5. make no doubt about it, i was neither serious in saying that i wouldn't do her, nor do i think i'd have any serious shot of doing so. i also don't think i need any sort of book to tell me there is nothing mythological about her cans and posterior...they look just fine to me. also don't need to hear a woman scream the pythagorean theorem in the sack. i'd get canine w/ her in a minute and feel just fine about it. stupidity isn't an STD.
  6. i haven't really followed him w/ an eagle eye, but he comes off a little kooky...i realize the evangelical vote packs a wallop, but i think he seems to be pushing that angle a little too hard.
  7. Jules was right on...Al's, Mr. Beef or Portillo's. can't go wrong w/ any of those. actually, throw in Luke's on wells as well. portillo's is probably frequeneted most often, as they have plenty of locations out near me in the burbs as well.
  8. Ear Wax Cafe, if it still exists, had the best veggie burger i've ever eaten and has killer breakfast as well.
  9. google image edie, meet google image boots.
  10. well, be us catholic, scientoligyist or atheist...that is something we can all agree on. train-sex and skirts, god bless us each and every one.
  11. yeah, there is no way i would do her in a million years.
  12. you saucy thing. i probably reenacted it sans a partner on a late night somewhere in puberty.
  13. yeah, the scientology thing isn't the reason i find him to be a bit batshit. on a side note, i read an excerpt from that banned book on him that insinuates he and rebecca demornay actually did it on that train scene.
  14. yeah, he had me until 'fucketh off'. artfully.
  15. i've only watched five minutes of this show ever...but i do love me some of that HP sauce. i actually used to put the Chef sauce on everything. *happy busman signal appears in the dark gotham nighttime sky*
  16. note to self: google 'edie' every morning when i come into work.
  17. burn it and then buy it if you like it.
  18. so that's not just the rip floating around? sucks if that's the case, this is really good.
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