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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Actually, I doubt it will all be over. Especially if "the psychopath" wins.
  2. Allegedly, Josh wants 7 years, $175 million. Good luck with that.
  3. Probably because their album was pretty terrible. One of the biggest disappointments this year.
  4. Good to hear that you're safe, sparky. Always hard for me to comprehend the amount of devastation when I'm not personally affected.
  5. Spiritualized - Sweet Heart Sweet Light That's my clear number one. There have been a lot of great albums this year. If pressed to come up with the next two, I would probably go with: Divine Fits - A Thing Called Divine Fits Liars - WIXIW But it's been a strong year, so there are plenty of others that could be considered.
  6. Shouldn't the Pepsi and Coke be switched? I remember Pepsi putting up a lot of billboards that kind of co-opted the look of Obama's campaign stuff.
  7. Good one. I've actually skipped it the couple of times it came up on shuffle when I was on a plane.
  8. I'm really hoping for a close race so we can have some compelling television on Tuesday night, but I'm not convinced it's going to wind up that way. This will be closer than 2008, so I am interested to see how Nate Silver's projections hold up this year.
  9. Well, since "Respector" isn't even a word and "Edition" is spelled incorrectly, I can see where the confusion comes from.
  10. I voted yesterday. I think out of roughly 50 national, state, and local races, there might have been 5 Democrat candidates.
  11. I think it would benefit baseball. Scale it back by three weeks and you have the season ending and playoffs beginning right as football is starting.
  12. MLB really needs to shorten the regular season.
  13. Illinois? Did you mean Iowa? If Romney wins Illinois, then our voter suppression efforts throughout the country would have far exceeded my wildest expectations.
  14. Best album cover of all-time. And a great album, too.
  15. Just sticking with artists that have put together consecutive good albums or a recent string of them (and off the top of my head): Spoon Liars The National Neko Case The xx Low Fang Island Japandroids Menomena Yeasayer The Kills Dan Deacon There are also a bunch of other albums from the last few years that I would rate higher than any of Wilco's last three.
  16. So, in other words, cheating is okay because it has no real effect on anything.
  17. Would the Giants have made the postseason without a drug-enhanced Melky Cabrera?
  18. That seems strange to me that the state would offer up that information. Even in a seemingly neutral form like that, things could easily be worded in a leading fashion. Here's what it says on the Texas Secretary of State site:
  19. There are no problems with the electoral college. It's one of the hallmarks of our founding fathers and an incredibly ingenious and important method of electing a president in a republic. Also I always vote. Even locally. I was mainly making the point that Texas will be red. It's been 18 years since a Democrat won a statewide election in Texas. A trend that isn't changing anytime soon. Plus, I would be surprised if there are even any Democrats running for most of the seats I would be voting for in my new county. I missed the primaries here, which is where the real election is for the
  20. I moved this year, so I need to figure out where to go to vote. Fortunately, Texas is in the bag, so if I don't make it, it won't be the end of the world.
  21. That's not the greatest list of artists to listen to...there are many bands currently making better music than Wilco.
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