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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Further proof that the women's suffrage movement was the most ill-conceived cause of the last century.
  2. Just noticed that an old avatar of mine started showing up with my posts (it's been a long time since I changed it). Is this a byproduct of the update this weekend?
  3. Watched Romancing the Stone while waiting for a delivery this morning. Great movie.
  4. It just struck me as an odd thing to say because I wish I could see more of them. I've managed to catch Les Mis and Mary Poppins this year and I hope to see The Lion King in Dallas this summer. Hopefully, The Book of Mormon will make it down here someday, too.
  5. Why is that something that you would hate to admit?
  6. If I lived in New York, I would probably see every single musical and play. I just have to wait for touring shows to come through this area. We have several really nice theaters in Dallas and Fort Worth...it's just a matter of what specific shows come in. I love pretty much all Broadway musicals, though.
  7. Please tell me this isn't Sparky: Plot to attack Federal Reserve
  8. To me, "cupcake" comes from a much more demeaning, disrespectful place. "Asshole" is so common that it has lost most of its emphasis. Plus, it's usually resorted to after someone has gotten under the other's skin.
  9. I would much rather be called an asshole than a cupcake.
  10. Good Lord! How about a moratorium on dead children pictures?
  11. Would you expect Bill to be campaigning for Romney?
  12. Those sites are always interesting. I remember looking at a lot of them four years ago. According to this one, I side the most with Gary Johnson, with Romney and Obama neck-and-neck for second place.
  13. Rap makes up a small percentage of my overall music collection. I have some Kanye, Outkast, The Roots, Beastie Boys, Why? (do they count?), and some random songs and albums from others that I can't remember right now. Great music is great music, regardless of genre. There are always great artists to find and listen to in anything. No reason to write off entire subsets of music...unless you're talking about jam bands
  14. I think you misunderstood that sentence and what Shakespeare was referring to.
  15. I love the FiveThirtyEight blog. Always interesting to see how everything is tracking. The way it's going now, it could be an interesting month leading up to the election.
  16. Yes. In this latest example it was Ryan explaining that he didn't think it was the best time for Hamilton to choose to quit because of the way it impacted his performance on the field. It just seems that a lot of times when people give honest assessments of things, they get jumped on for being honest. So I guess cliches, stock answers, and vanilla responses to questions that don't give any insight are the preferred ways to go.
  17. The latest is the Nolan Ryan interview about Josh Hamilton. But there are a number of examples of athletes straying from the standard cliches and it seems that every time they do, everyone is there to condemn the statements. It's just a strange dichotomy.
  18. It's weird to me how people clamor for truth from athletes/managers/GMs/etc., instead of the standard cliches, and then when we get someone to actually make some truthful statements, they get skewered for it.
  19. Come on now, we can't have you humanizing any of these candidates. That goes against all principles of American politics of the last 20 years.
  20. But what is it about Ryan's statement that makes him a "dick wad"? Ryan said that it wasn't the best time for all involved for him to quit. Hamilton himself said during the year that his decision to quit was impacting his performance. If it has that kind of detrimental effect on how well you perform your job for which you're paid millions of dollars, it would probably have been a wiser move to do it in the offseason, which is all Ryan said. There wasn't anything untrue or "dickish" about Ryan simply stating what happened. Good luck to whatever team pays for Hamilton this winter. I like
  21. I had my iPhone on shuffle in the car last night and realized that I had skipped every Wilco song that came up.
  22. I'm voting for Romney because I really hate poor people. Always asking for help and stuff...shameful.
  23. After watching the play...it seemed like a lot more than "ordinary effort" was required for the shortstop to make the catch. If an infielder has to turn and run and then keep drifting back and back in order to get under it, I don't see how it can be called. Although, it is a lot closer than some people would have you believe.
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