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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Transcripts of all oral arguments are available to the public. Of course, the majority of Americans don't know a whole lot about any aspect of our government, but that doesn't make the whole thing shadowy. Also, the lifetime appointment is a key aspect of the Supreme Court. It remains a constant and consistent rules-interpreting branch that is not subject to the whims of an elected Congress or President. If it were any other way, we would have a crumbling body of law that would never be worth the paper its printed on. So, it really isn't apt at all.
  2. What compels you to use that moniker for it then? Every opinion is written in plain English and made public. It just seems like an odd phrase to use when describing the Supreme Court.
  3. I don't think I would call the Supreme Court "shadowy."
  4. But it was definitely all Bush's fault.
  5. A husband and father is dead at the very young age of 43. I find it totally reprehensible to dance on someone's grave, regardless of what you thought of him, or, even worse, what you thought of his persona without ever having met him. I feel terrible for his wife and for his kids, and for him, since he will miss out on the joy of watching them grow up and raising them.
  6. Yeah, I put myself on the waiting list for a book, but when it came time to rent it, it wasn't a good time for me to be able to sit down and read it in the two-week window. Don't get me wrong, it's great to be able to digitally check out books, it's just a little harder for books that are popular choices. From what I can tell, publishers have changed the price structure for e-books, which is the main reason for the increased prices. It just seems like they cannibalize their own potential sales by doing that. For instance, if I could pay $6 or $7 for an old Murakami book, I would in a hear
  7. I've been wanting to read some Murakami, always heard good things but never found the time. I was going to buy a couple for my Kindle, which leads to another topic. Is anyone else bothered by the fact that e-book prices are higher than paperbacks? Maybe I'm just used to the cheaper prices for digital downloads of music compared to CDs.
  8. Just to be clear, though, we all hate Republicans and Conservatives, right?
  9. I actually haven't seen that. I was looking forward to it at one point, too, but it seemed to garner that type of reaction from a lot of people.
  10. I loved The Descendants and The Tree of Life. I also really liked Hugo. I don't get the chance to see as many movies as I used to each year, so I try to stick to the nominated films. I'm rooting hardest for George Clooney. Thought he was fantastic. I also really liked Midnight in Paris and Margin Call, making the Original Screenplay category a tough one. Can't really disagree with your other acting choices. I do wish Shailene Woodley was nominated, though.
  11. Time to resurrect this thread. Any thoughts on Sunday's show? I've finally seen most of the nominated films, but I don't have my picks yet.
  12. I understand that. The main point is that eliminating the Department of Education does not mean that only private schools exist. That's why it was a stupid point in the first place.
  13. Just based on its lack of logic and deduction. Take #7 as an example: "7. You think all schools should be private, and that you should have to pay for your children to get an education, since Ron Paul wants to eliminate the Department of Education." So wanting to eliminate the federal Department of Education means that someone wants nothing but private schools? And most people in this country already pay for their children to get an education, private or public.
  14. That list is ridiculously stupid.
  15. The Reagan Library. Or the Nakatomi Building (Fox Plaza).
  16. If you've never heard it, then how do you know it is not your thing? It actually isn't a bad album.
  17. Wilco has won two Grammys and been nominated a total of 6 times. Every album since AGIB has been nominated for an award. I disagree with the assessment that they are not "main-stream."
  18. Our political system is the same as it has always been. Has it always been broken?
  19. If you're going strictly on who has the better new album, it would be Heartless Bastards.
  20. I saw them open for Wilco and they were excellent. So good, in fact, that I came away disappointed in their album because it didn't match what I had seen. This new album sounds a lot better to me, though.
  21. Nothing after This Desert Life is very good. The news of this album is disappointing since it consists of covers. After their last subpar release, I was hoping for a new album that might be worth listening to. But they're probably incapable of that now, unfortunately. I still stand by Recovering the Satellites as their best and one of my favorites from the '90s.
  22. Looking over the decades collectively...I would probably take the '80s over the '90s. But I think the '90s had more highs. More lows too, though.
  23. Yes. Lynyrd Skynyrd is one of the greats.
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