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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. FYI. My double CD arrived on Friday. So far I'm seemingly more of a Warmer type of guy.
  2. Guy Garvey. Nothing to do with the music, I just think they'd really get on both with great senses of humour.
  3. If you don't recognise that as the B-side to Sugar Sugar by The Archies then do not dispair. Today I heard it for the first time in what must be at least 40+ years. I still remembered it pretty much perfectly and it's still great. Funny how tunes get imprinted on your brain. The single was one of the few in the house when I was very young, along with Chain Gang by Sam cook, a 78 of the Yellow Rose of Texas, and Rupert The Bear by Jackie Lee (also a great single, though not as good as the superb White Horses by Jacky - same person different name - so evocative of all things 60s to me. She a
  4. With the recycling of Everyone Hides, I wonder if any of the other songs are actually from what was quoted at the time as the second TWEEDY album that was put to one side during the Sukierae recordings. Not saying if that's bad or good (except that it would point to the same kind of style that has been the norm for a few releases) - more curious as to whether TWEEDY will every ride again (except for occasional SS appearances).
  5. If the pop-up book thing is as complicated as it might be, then it could be tricky to manufacture and would be priced as some sort of art work I suppose. I am reminded of the 78 year old carpet maker I met in Iran a few weeks ago who had only made 12 carpets in his entire life though he started in his teens. Yes they took that long and cost 100s of thousands of $. Either way, not something I could/would dream of going for, and if it is intriguing as an art work I'm not sure it is easily suitable for display as an art piece should be seen. Wilco can fleece that Jon Hamm and Nick Offerman and th
  6. I have a UK Amazon pre order in place for £9.99 with a date quoted of July 19th. Hope that is not cancelled...
  7. Ha ha. It’s quite old skool what I like to call ‘sitcom’ (see what I did there) but good stuff, and it ended after 3 series before losing any quality. Little Stevie always steals the scenes for me. Meanwhile, two Matt Berry comedy vehicles: What We Do In The Shadows (the tv spin off from the film) anf Year Of The Rabbit. At times reaching the dizzy heights he attained with series 1 of Toast Of London.
  8. I have now bought this. Brilliant. These days I buy maybe 2 or 3 CDs a year max (and that does not mean that I pirate/stream others etc.). I would like to publicly thank those who brought it to my attention. Ta.
  9. I have handed my Wilco Fanclub ID Card (Level 2) into the authorities of my own accord before I got the dreaded knock on the door. To be honest it was a forgery anyway.
  10. Ta (and for the other 2). Interesting only Summer Noon from TWEEDY's Sukierae. Anyway, moving on to more important things: any news of Jonathan Richman? Tried to find some solace in Glastonbury on the tele, but found it lacklustre this year to my taste. The Beeb didn't feature Nick Low and Friends on Friday night, and it went downhill from there.
  11. It’s been a while of course and I would have liked one of these kind of overall retrospective setlists in September after the Schmilco heavy one last time out for me. But I suppose it will be new album heavy then so fingers crossed its a belter.
  12. http://media.giphy.com/media/5GdhgaBpA3oCA/giphy.gif But don’t go getting the wrong idea.
  13. "I want to hold you in the Bible-black pre-dawn" Always causes my ears to prick up, since it's lifted from my compatriot Dylan (the real one of course), and I come from Llanrumney, which is not too far of a stretch from Llareggub (which itself masks colourful language )
  14. I can think of few things worse - my 2p's worth.
  15. That's a very fast working digestive system you must have there, not to mention a rather laissez-faire attitude to hygiene.
  16. Latest series of Line of Duty - Mother of God, Ted!
  17. "... wasn't fully out of the woods yet." Nice choice of words. What does JT with food poisoning do in the woods? Sounds entertaining. Just summoned up a listen to the Goth version of HMD to get into the mood.
  18. New series of Frankie Boyle's New World Order Great acerbic stuff.
  19. But it is a superior kind of drivel. Way past gibberish - more into claptrap territory really. Also, if you changed your screen name to 'harmonica' then you get to appear with Jeff every night too!
  20. Also he should check out the website of Rough Trade Records East (they have a couple of stores in London) . They have lots of in store performances. They all used to be free and great (best for me was Shearwater / Richmond Fontaine / Patty Griffin with a guest spot from Robert Plant). Nowadays you usually have to buy something or they sell tickets as mini shows. JT/Wilco should go there next time in the UK. Plus it's near Brick Lane if he like a good curry. Oh, how could I forget my second favourite - Bush Hall. A bit further on round the corner from Shepherds Bush Empire. Small room that
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