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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Which bit was taped? JT certainly had me fooled lip-syncing to Milli Vanilli standard.
  2. Describing the pit as an amenity made me laugh, thinking back to those times before the pit got gentrified.
  3. There is a rumour that the pre-show rituals involve owls and peanut butter spread, so maybe peanut butter cookies are a good choice.
  4. No parking ticket, but your left rear indicator light isn't working and the treads of a couple of tyres looks dodgy. Can we also see your insurance please?
  5. No grain of salt needed for me when reading your reviews. Just a mug of Horlicks and a mogadon.
  6. I’ll see your Budgie and raise you a Sassafras (or Young Marble Giants).
  7. That's funny re: The Alarm. I was only thinking to myself as I read the first couple of lines: 'On the plus side, they're Welsh (north Wales mind you). On the minus side, the hair.' Then I got to the punchline of your paragraph. I bought 68 Guns back in the day. It was all downhill from there in a Billy Idol version of punk sort of way.
  8. Just thought you might have had to resort to disguises to avoid the mobbing of "that guy from the video". With Halloween season approaching you might have gotten away with that more eyecatching double-bluff kind of deception, but I'd go back to the basic trenchcoat, homburg, and false beard.
  9. You sure you weren't just using the third person when mentioning the guy in the full body white unicorn costume?
  10. Thanks for the reassuring news about Mr Sansone. He did look out of sorts when I saw them last month.
  11. Just for you: @ 6min 48 seconds to see Robert Plant hit in the face with a custard pie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCT7Nhvvg84 How I miss the days before controlling PR men/women and images to maintain.
  12. If I have any claim to fame here, I would like to think it's popularising the phrase 'Banter Corner' - based upon Compost Corner from 1980s cult (by which I mean it was watched by students & adults like me at the time) Saturday morning kids TV show 'Tiswas'. It built up a fan club of admiring celebrities who were happy to join in the (usually) slapstick, low budget, hardly rehearsed and often ad-libbed fun. So, if anyone is interested, here you can see members of the Who and Genesis appearing on Compost Corner. Obviously it hasn't aged that well, but it still has fond memories, and given
  13. I'm not a great one for listening to show tapes, but appreciate the work done by the likes of yourself when I do hear something that is available that I was particularly interested in. On behalf of all of us, thanks to you and others for your efforts.
  14. ^^^ The whole encore was on YouTube nicely filmed with good sound. Probably still is if you search for Roundhouse + Wilco. Late Greats and HMD bookended Cruel to be Kind. It was a great moment - amongst my favourites for live Wilco, and JT looked so happy. Been a long time fan of Sir Nicholas of Low and Dave Edmunds/Rockpile .
  15. Yes, as I've been trying to say. It's unrecognisable (apart from they kept some circular windows) and no one at all related to GH lives there now.
  16. It's pretty unrecognisable now after substantial redevelopment. Olivia Harrison hasn't lived there for some time. She had an hour long program of reminiscences in that Beatles radio week I mentioned above. Last I heard some South Africans were living there. A couple of years ago there was a get together to put a Blue Plaque up at the house.
  17. If you have access there have been some nice BBC radio 2 programs in their special Beatles week prior to the Abbey Road at 50 mega bundle release (which in an ideal world I'd get but can't justify in the real world - same as for the White Album though I have someone here to thank for making some mp3s available of the Esher demos, which is appropriate as I live in Esher). Funny how when I started listening in 77-78 the 60s seemed so far away. Also, still a major claim to fame that I've used the urinals in Abbey Road, though again a lot of urine has passed through the pipe since then.
  18. There is so much tommyrot being written on these pages that I feel like quitting the board, lurking to read all the posts regretting my departure, then joining again on a wave of endorphins.
  19. I don't care what he does, I like singers with passion.
  20. No more fans? All eejits the lot of you
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