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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Yeah, quite a few shows I've been to since there's been a little mention of it and how we've all moved on - by we I mean London in general & JT. Btw - you seem to be the only one with a barge-pole long enough to have dared to post here :-)
  2. The only time I tried to make an album it was exactly that. A bit of a niche Market I must admit. If you're interested I can get you a copy for a good price. I'm sure I still have some copies in the garage.
  3. As Janice would say, "I'll give it foive" ... And if that doesn't mean anything to you, have a look at this - about half way through. It became a national catch-phrase. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIWbjIw9YrM&feature=youtube_gdata_player Really like Dawned on Me, and Sun King, I mean Sunloath. Already sounds great with this stream on headphones - lots going on in my head. And thank goodness the moon/June rhyming of WTA has gone. Not at the end yet - looking forward to Smileys. Whole Love now - another pure pop gem - right up my street.
  4. Came across this this morning while searching for a The Whole Love review at the Guardian (not there yet). It was written a few weeks ago. Posted just to provide some sort of reference to those newer members asking questions I've seen from time to time about this 'infamous' event. And there are plenty of details I had never heard before - though with two very different perspectives it's hard to tell quite how to interpret what may or may not have occurred. I don't have a particular angle to state on it other than happy that whatever demons were involved at that time have been vanquished. "Ju
  5. Oh, and Nels is an alien according to JT as evidenced by what goes on with The Art Of Almost ... From that video excerpt it's not the kind of think I would seek for a whole album but I like the variety it would contribute towards and the atmosphere it was generating until that snippet was cut short. Can't comment on Mojos scoring policy, but I think they gave Richmond Fontaine a 4 And described it a a classic - which made me feel good as I have huge respect for WV and have a London show and a free record store appearance lined up for next month. Plus it puts Wilcos score into perspective as v
  6. Mojo gives it 4 stars and is correspondingly praiseworthy about most of the tracks - though they find the mix uncohesive : what with the gentler slower tracks spread here and there. Not a problem for me - was Revolver cohesive? They did like Smileys at the end. I think JT just wanted to write something that would make Remembering all the verses of Mountain Bed feel like a breeze in comparison. Apparently Capitol City has seen them 'infected' by the spirit of jazz - not something I look forward to particularly, hence my choice of phrase. They thought I Might was a bit Dylan by numbers but I lov
  7. Did the deed yesterday. Pleased to see that there was the double 'extras' CD available right up front on initial release, and without any extraneous bits and pieces, so maybe someone listened to my earlier grumbling. Ta very much.
  8. When I heard it on a stream I was only vaguely interested, but the quality of the sound for the video was much better and I like it now. Glad its on the second extras CD. It seems to me to have a very Abbey Road uncluttered sound - maybe that bass and the 'space' between the instruments, or something ...
  9. Well, thank you very much. I was looking forward to watching this but now you've burst my balloon with that spoiler picture.
  10. Exactly. Which is why I did not want to respond as a counter to what you said (and tried to make that clear), just an explanation of my views. So I find it strange that you are taking me to task a bit. I can exactly see where different people stand and why, I just wanted to put out a message to anyone at the record company who might be reading that there are people who would like to go for a no frills package as long as it included the maximum music in one format (and could therefore be a bit more expensive) released once. Oh well.
  11. Not going to comment on the order, but I'm pretty sure you've missed bböp off the list
  12. Thank you kind sir. Will listen on the morrow!
  13. Don't want to counter what you say per se as an argument, but I would add that (1) I have family priorities as far as money goes too, and I would rather spread what I spend on music around more artists rather than buy deluxe bundles from fewer. (2) In my (long) experience hearing music is often best when you know NOTHING about the artist. Unknown Stax/soul artists on a tinny (yes tinny not tiny) transistor radio, new punk rock singles exploding out of nowhere ... etc. I vote for imagination over information every time.
  14. Yup - all valid points. When I said 'just the music' I meant a hard copy of some kind rather than digital - old enough to be stuck in my ways. Just grates with me and always will.
  15. Personally I am only interested in the music not all the merchandising fluff that makes up packages around it, and I resent having to double up on purchases just to get odd tracks. I thought that dBpm might make a break and play it straight down the line, but looks like they're up to the usual record company games. That said, purchases in the past have allowed access to download extra content later, so hopefully the same might apply here (not sure what happened with W(TA) since I sort of ignored most of that).
  16. Sir Toby to you I was 12 in '74, but 4 years later the Top Rank was the place to get in to for some underage drinking/clubbing etc.
  17. Good God, that's a blast from the past. To answer the question - a big fat zero. Just changed jobs - budget been on hold.
  18. Nappy thrash Pater petra (going back to linguistic roots and with a nice anagramatic ring about it)
  19. 1. Saw the Man in the Sand film on BBC2 - having an interest in Woody/roots country/Americana (for want of a better description) and also great respect for Billy Bragg. Then there was this band producing some fantastic melodies. So it was Mermaid Avenue. Got Being There soon after but it just didn't click and in fact I gave it away. Had to buy it again later once I had come to my senses :-) 2. 2004 London Astoria on the AGIB tour. A few weeks earlier found VC and asked if Wilco were worth seeing live, since on the I Am Trying DVD (which I had got by then along with YHF & ST and loved the
  20. You should not start counting from zero - the default premise is that bböp will be there
  21. P.S. Top Tip: The air guitar playing involves less post-solo laundry duties if you do it before the plunger is put to work.
  22. I really, really could use a Wilco plunger. For all those who want to combine air guitar with household chores. Win - win!
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