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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/nov/01/pete-townshend-john-peel-lecture
  2. "Jeff Tweedy y sus cohortes" - nice. That guitar looks snappy! Woof! In the words of Vince Noir, it's impossible to be unhappy in a poncho.
  3. Ha! In fact he is the only one I have had a few words with after bumping in to him on the streets of Paris on the afternoon of a show there. He declined my offer of a sandwich (I was having a picnic at a viewpoint - though picnic is too grand a word for the few bits and pieces I was munching). Probably quite wise. I did write a long piece on that day here. Probably lost in one of the server crashes.
  4. There never was a reason given for that was there? Not even a blanket 'family/personal something came up'. Luckily for me it was during my little 'break' from live Wilco before the hunger returned. You really missed out on the Union Chapel night Rich. The closest thing possible to a UK living room show. Even had a few words with Sue when she took requests in a clipboard beforehand. It did reinforce my view that any meeting with the man himself is probably best avoided though - they're not tall, I am, it gets a bit awkward Still, I wouldn't say no to a sit down chat though..
  5. That's a shame, you should have posted here last week or something and we could have met up. It was such a brilliant night wasn't it. Back to work now though ... but will have to give that encore video another lashing at lunchtime. Also, thought I might have seen Rich T across a crowded floor on Friday, but couldn't be sure ...
  6. Wowsah! Thanks a lot - such great sound. That should be put in it's own thread and pinned, followed by a submission for beatification. That miracle with the crutches guy was witnessed by enough people. Dear Wilco management : please don't get this one pulled. Think of Sir Nicholas. The old guy could do with the publicity! Pat was in his command bunker with the 3rd acoustic on the go. The stage front could not contain two larger than life barnets. And that Christ (on a bike) pose from Nels during The Late Greats. Comic genius! Also, I just read a short post elsewhere describing Wilco, aff
  7. After seeing the current stage lighting rig, I think they must have called in and bought the place out of lamp shades
  8. It is a very schizophrenic station. When I was a lad it was the home of easy listening, big band, and pre-rock'n roll music (classical and a bit of jazz is radio3). Now there are still such shows, but now people of the equivalent age to those times are listening to all kinds of 'rock' music and it has specialised shows for country etc.. Radio 1 is more for urban and disposable pop. Radio 6 is the more indie station, for which John Peel would have been a doting grandfather. I actually spend almost all my radio time with radio 4 and '4 extra' - spoken word: current affairs, drama, serialised b
  9. Indeed. Oh, and please don't humanise her by use of a first name :-) P.S. ending a sentence with 'mind you' makes you sound like you're almost Welsh :-)
  10. Bumpety bump bump after last night. Please refer to post #1
  11. Second night was loud, just no distortion where I was. Agree with others - they have been loud for years. A while back in Hammersmith we were even 'treated' to the drone from Less Than You Think. It wasn't full length, but was definitely 'challenging' passing through the awkward 'ok I get the statement, now how much longer will this go on for' stage, and everyone was still heads down coaxing feedback out of their instruments for some considerable time more. I still think it was the result of a little contrary streak JT harboured towards the London 'musical establishment/concert-going elite' (i
  12. You are now honour bound to reciprocate in December. This is how it works in the Way of the Wilco. There is no alternative. Submit. We know where you live!
  13. Nah, it's the time of year. You're obviously coming down with something. Please seek medical advice.
  14. The first moment JT mentioned it, I thought he said "Did you see the guy waving his crotch in the air". That would have been an achievement. True story.
  15. I'll follow that up - thanks. I do have a solo album of his from about 4 years ago thats got some pretty good stuff and am vaguely aware of Hefner - via John Peel I think. As a member of a music forum I' m not too hardcore when it comes to collecting etc. Not so much time for that sort of thing ... I just kind of bump into music I like ... :-)
  16. Also, i didn't see any official photographers during the first few minutes. They might of been keeping very low down, but is that a change in policy? They can be very distracting (presumably to both sides) so i'm all in favour of it.
  17. care to offer any thoughts on the difference (band or audience) based upon sweeping generalisations and a small sample? I've seen Wilco a few times in europe (I.e. Not UK) and in the past I would have said they were more relaxed. London often has more pressure because of extra media scrutiny and the 'history'. It's been heading this way for some time, but last night felt like a game changer - in a good way.
  18. Good work. Would love to see a show there one day after popping in for a cup of tea with Emmylou. Was surprised how sanitised the surrounding area is though. Where are all the drunk people kicking dogs or beating their spouses? :-)
  19. And whilst we're being all biblical, here's Nels' frozen Christ (on a bike) moments during Late Greats. He kept that pose throughout the build segment :-) Not mine and not condoning the photography you understand. It was nicely mobile phone free all night. Just for those following vicariously far away. And finally, documentary evidence of the second coming. The Very Reverend Sir Nicholas of Lowe
  20. No IATTBYH either, though that is one song I've never tired of hearing. Maybe someone read a few posts here ;-) Ta!
  21. Yes lovely man. I once had a short email exchange with him regarding a song (bit of an obscure b side that they used to do live a few years back) that I wrongly thought might have been inspired by the name of the American manager Thatcher brought in to try and finish off the miners during the strike of 84-85. Difficult times for Guy's family as they had family members in the striking miners and in the police force (there were some nasty confrontations at the time). In the email he said that our conversation reminded him of the case against the man who knocked the head off a recently unveiled s
  22. Was closer to the front tonight. About 6 or 7 standing rows back. Not sure if my experience of a better sound was a result of a change of location or they made some adjustments. Actually prefer this to being right on the barrier. In with the 'action', though as I say, never expected a Wilco show to get quite that uninhibited. Took me back a few years :-) This meant I was also under the brim as far as the hat 'issue' was concerned. JT did remove it a couple of times for some acknowledgement to the crowd. Banter Corner Again sparse and covered by previous correspondent. The crutches moment w
  23. Glad you felt the same as me! This was absolutely joyous. I never thought I'd see a Wilco concert like it. You almost always come away thinking you've witnessed something special in terms of musicianship, some emotional moments, songcraft - all the cerebral stuff that is the compensation for Wilco not quite having the spirit of '77 about them etc. But this was just a total fun sweaty night of jumping around and the crowd being much more than mere spectators. Not a good one for a taping I would have thought - just too much singing, clapping, whooping. You had to be there. The sound was just
  24. Intimate London venue. http://www.clashmusic.com/live-review/ryan-adams-live-at-union-chapel-london Would have liked to be there but it sold out wat too fast. He was on a Songwriters Circle session the other night on BBC with Neil Finn and Janis Ian http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/music/crowded-stage-neil-finn-ryan-adams-in-foulmouthed-tv-bustup-20111027-1ml3j.html
  25. Just had a curry to load up with carbs for tonight. Leaving in an hour. Meanwhile ... http://www.clashmusic.com/live-review/wilco-live-at-the-roundhouse-london
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