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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. What was really funny was that at the end, and probably speaking live on hearing the interview back and realising it was a bit ropey, he tried to explain it as feeling giddy and light headed on meeting the great Jeff Tweedy. The reality was he only had the vaguest idea of anything Wilco related.
  2. Yeah. Guy Garvey next time Jeff. Deffo. The songs are nice though. As someone else said, last night would be a shock to anyone going on the basis of those though.
  3. Boy the questions are painful. Just some researcher handed O'Leary a crib sheet a few minutes ago sounds like.
  4. Seems recorded in the real day off during the week to me. JT only going to play a song solo after a little interview (nothing special). Dawn On Me now. Born Alone to follow they say. At least we don't have to sit through much of the show before this started, and I won't be hanging around afterwards.
  5. So "in session" apparently. Ditto Arctic Monkeys. Jonathan Wilson I think.
  6. You're spot on. Nabbed this from elsewhere and looks more accurate than mine. In the words of Eric Morecambe, all the right notes, but not necessarily in the correct order ... 1. Art Of Almost 2. I Might 3. Ashes Of American Flags 4. Bull Black Nova 5. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 6. One Wing 7. Some Side With The Seeds 8. One Sunday Morning 9. Shouldn't Be Ashamed 10. Born Alone 11. Jesus, Etc 12. Capitol City 13. Handshake Drugs 14. I'm The Man Who Loves You 15. Standing O 16. Impossible Germany 17. Dawned On Me ENCORE 1. Whole Love 2. Shot In The Arm
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b015yc05 Maybe some songs in the studio? No idea if R2 have been playing them much lately. JT on Guy Garvey's show on R6 would be something I'd like to hear. The benefit of a day with nothing else to do in London I guess. Lads, what about all the museums? And its a lovely sunny autumn day. Bit of footie in Hyde Park?
  8. Think I've got all the songs except perhaps one in the encore, but definitely a sketchy order other than they started with AoA ... Head still buzzing, so can spend a few minutes more before coming down and being able to get some kip. Art Of Almost I Might I Am Trying to Break Your Heart One Wing Bull Black Nova Ashes of American Flags Side with the Seeds One Sunday Morning Dawned On Me Jesus, Etc. Capitol City Handshake Drugs Standing O Shouldn't be Ashamed Born Alone Impossible Germany I'm The Man Who Loves You Encore: Whole Love Shot in the Arm A.N.Other So, definitely light on Being T
  9. Ta very much. Will attend to this on the morrow! Meanwhile I have a show review to write ...
  10. The comments on the fight are at the start of this There's a One Sunday Morning video loaded by the same person there too.
  11. http://mancunianmatters.co.uk/content/review-wilco-manchester-academy-–-25102011
  12. One good ... http://www.scotsman.com/the-scotsman/arts/gig_review_wilco_glasgow_royal_concert_hall_1_1928745 One misguided ... http://www.heraldscotland.com/mobile/arts-ents/music-reviews/wilco-glasgow-royal-concert-hall-1.1131173
  13. Nothing about the rumoured Glasgow kiss in the balcony? Maybe JT didn't make himself clear enough in the sitting versus standing debate.
  14. This might come in useful:- Scottie Translator What time do Wilco come on? ---> Whit time dae wilco 'main 'en? Remember the Mountain Bed ---> Min' th' ben scratcher. ????
  15. I wish. My new(ish) employer has offices there that I have visited once. I was angling for a trip now, but it was not to be - but only have to wait until the end of the week. Huzzah! I was wondering how you were getting on with the guitar-based song predictions. Seems like I will have to wait until next time to find out ...
  16. Welcome to Wilco Electrical and Lighting "Our aim is to make the world a little brighter try wilco for lighting with a difference" http://wilcoelectrical.co.uk/ The shop pictures's great but too big to fit here (though it's small on their website) "Wilco electrical is situated in Airdrie town centre, we are a family run business offering a wide range of decorative lighting and electrical accessories at excellent prices." The wonders of Googling 'Wilco Scotland' ...
  17. Noticed that on your LinkedIn update. Impressed, though probably a bit too obscure for me :-) Got any charity work lined up?
  18. I must admist I did start to root for the French seeing as they made most of the running, and Parra was taken out twice - one black eye each time - though Trinh-Duc caused more problems. But it was the right result, and I really, really enjoyed watching 'Fatty' Donald's gut bulging out from his jersey - you could tell he hadn't had the weeks of conditioning - but what a great story! How we missed Priestland - for the kicks and running the back line - Hook was crabbing across way too much.
  19. Like the Beltman reviews - please continue. Meanwhile, spent the last couple of hours watching Holy Flying Circus -a 'fantastical reimagining' of the controversy surrounding the 1979 release of Life of Brian. Very good indeed. Gilliam-esque surreal in parts and Often very funny. Enjoyed the fact that Palin's wife and mum were played by men in true Python style.
  20. Americana UK. 8 / 10 http://www.americana-uk.com/cd-reviews/item/wilco-the-whole-love-dbpm-records-2011?category_id=175
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinfauns_(Surrey) Actually, after reading that I don't think I'll bother - it has now been redeveloped and is unrecognisable
  22. Boy that result is so hard to take. By the letter of the law the decision is technically correct, but there have been several equivalent tackles in this tournament that have been yellow cards at worst and often just penalties. Such an immense effort by the 14, but unfortunately we made about as many little mistakes in that game as all the others put together, and Hooky had a poor game. The French captain was visibly embarrassed in his post match interview. Part of me wants Australia to win now since they come to play in Wales in a few weeks and we'll get a crack at them, but NZ deserve it for
  23. George's old house in Esher is a couple of miles away from me. It's been redeveloped but apparently still recognisable. I've been meaning to cycle over there one day for a look but haven't got around to it yet - it's away from my usual routes around Hampton Court and along The Thames. Also, the pub where John's long lost Dad was working when they finally met up is a few hundred yards from me.
  24. Agree about the French - Bobby Windsor played them 5 times and got his nose broken each time, but on their day - sublime. Several years ago Racing Club of Paris played in the French Cup Final all wearing pink bow ties and swilled a refreshing glass of champagne in the middle of he pitch at half time. And match days in the towns of south-west of France are great. Definitely with you on the Wales - AB final. Enjoy the games. My Welsh female boss has been out there for 2 months. Shame Carter can't enjoy what should have been his moment. McCaw looking crocked too? Huge respect for that pair and
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