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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJmz7UJK_CY
  2. Both nights at the Roundhouse the music played in the setup time between the opener and Wilco appearing was a variety of old German light operetta. This sort of thing (but not this in particular):- Recognised a couple of tunes. Wonder if they've carried on with it across Europe.
  3. That's becoming quite a common 1, 2, 3 on this tour, and for good reason ...
  4. This caught my eye - thank you for the prompt!
  5. http://www.musicomh..../wilco_1011.htm Eh? No one here saw/mentioned that ... Shurely some mistake ... ?
  6. Nce long interview, though that Canadian guy is annoyingly 'smooth'. I repeat, pencil in a chat with Guy Garvey Jeff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWYhmNbfCu4
  7. Always a bit disappointed when cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels doesn't make it into the list.
  8. I was thinking about that but though three big nights out in a week would be too much. Love JJR. Then there was Ryan Adams at Union Chapel the night before too, but could not get a ticket for that.
  9. I think there is some 'atmosphere'/'texture' on the actual recording. Try headphones?
  10. http://theamericanshot.com/wilcos-whole-love-a-whole-lot-better/ There was a review a whole back that said something like 'It may not be the best Wilco album, but it may end up being your favourite'. I am converging on agreeing with that. Black Moon and Rising Red Lung have grown on me a lot, not to mention the obvious solid gold tracks.
  11. Cults, wonderful on the outside but on the inside are very manipulating. Cult leaders are desperate to trick you into joining. They are after your obedience, your time and your money. Cults use sophisticated mind control and recruitment techniques that have been refined over time. Beware of thinking that you are immune from cult involvement, the cults have millions of members around the world who once thought they were immune, and still don't know they are in a cult! To spot a cult you need to know how they work and you need to understand the techniques they use.
  12. Ha! I yield to your knowledge of a vision of the world expressed through the medium of string. Meanwhile, since Mavis got a mention, like this pic But really, how can anyone who knows anything about Wilco not appreciate and embrace the comedy angle . A big draw for me certainly. And though my first exposure to Wilco was via Billy Bragg & MA when I saw Man in the Sand on TV, when I decided tp pay them some real attention on their own and got the IATTBYH film, what happened? Within the first few minutes JT was sticking a fag in his belly button (with what I have come to know as a 'shar
  13. Well, just about the least likely paper for a Wilco piece. Either someone in particular there likes them or they are the only remaining celebs who don't know their phones are being hacked by the dark forces in the Murdoch empire. As an aside, one of my favourite lines on TWL is the simple 'So on and so forth', just 'cos I know JT always cracks a grin when he sings it - as if it's the antidote to complicated lyrics and being taken too seriously :-) Anyone with a blinking raffia owl on stage can't be too hardcore. I only noticed it blinking for the first time on the Sat night at the Roundhou
  14. It's a Glasgow/Scotland thing, and strangely enough the fortified wine is produced by monks at an abbey in Devon. Guaranteed to cause a rammy, hence the nickname ...
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py3huGqjO_0
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNxhbdPx7Sc Nice to see the old rug again.
  17. Hope you've packed enough commotion lotion for your trip.
  18. http://www.uncut.co.uk/blog/index.php?blog=6&p=1739&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
  19. The Financial Times review of night 1. Was expecting a few more of the official reviews to filter through, maybe give them a couple of more days. But Arctic Monkeys were at the O2, and that new Damon Albarn venicle were performing for the first time too, and they might have hogged the live music coverage of the broadsheets. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/685ade62-046f-11e1-b309-00144feabdc0.html
  20. Italian Vogue of all places ... :-) http://www.vogue.it/uomo-vogue/stars/2011/11/wilco
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