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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Is the European experiment over? This is me writing with a smile on my face glad that you got that final song MChris.
  2. It occurred to me that my admiration for JT parallels that of the career of John McEnroe - youthful brat: not too keen, adult racket genius: tremendous. Funnily enough, I have the same mannerism of wiping the sweat off my forehead with my shoulders/forearm when playing sport. Not deliberately copied, more by osmosis, but have kept it going as a little tribute to the time when tennis was interesting. Can't think of any Wilco related mannerisms ...
  3. Interesting. It obviously can suffer with the wrong kind of audience, and knocks a couple of other tracks out by it's length. When I saw it (twice in a row like you) I thought it was getting a much more involved response than I was expecting. Instead of reverence, there was a lot of mild grooving from the ladies around me (those I could see rather than me being some sort of magnet!), and the build after the fade was greeted with cheers like those for a guitar solo. It may go on to be a treat like Mountain Bed for when the atmosphere is deemed conducive.
  4. Good choice. Though it doesn't completely work for me I admire the effort and have huge respect for WV and have had the pleasure of talking to him at a record store show in London. I Can See A Room breaks my heart every time. As for me:- Rolling Stones - Some Girls Haven't owned it for about 20 years (see through orange vinyl of all things when it came out) and great to hear it again now. For all Glenn's cerebral messing about, Charlie's sparkly bashing is just out my favourite drum sound - though of course with the little kit and understated movements it's always surprising how big a sound
  5. Hot! I have my fingers crossed that you will get to see Sir Nicholas in the encore with Cruel To Be Kind, though apparently if you are anywhere near Bbop the floor could get a little messy at that point. I had planned ahead and had my incontinence pants in place in London. A little sweaty at times it has to be said, but that's the way I like it ...
  6. Is that a cover? Can you hook me up to an mp3 via PM?
  7. Glad the London rehearsal is bearing fruit for you now. No mislaid sh*t visible here:- http://austinist.com...tos.php#photo-1 Petting visit http://blog.petreloc...ationcom-office
  8. I think I love you. But I still feel like you should be pummeled with hate. It's what I do.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBFAFk8Ui7A
  10. Nice thumbs up to the Beatles at around the 20 minute mark. Huzzah! And a version of Ashes that I do NOT find boring. Ha!
  11. Came across this recorded for the Dutch TV channel at the Tilburg show, so good quality sound/vision. Then stumbled around their website, did a search and came up with some the stuff as per the link a couple of posts above - which I had not twigged had been posted here. Wow! SO PEOPLE - DON'T MISS IT! The Wilco + Son Volt show is interesting to me as that's stuff from just before I got on board, but the vid at the very bottom is top notch - looks like additional footage from I Am Trying To Break Your Heart and is as good as. Good quality to be watched full screen.
  12. I had this nagging feeling of familiarity with Sometimes It Happens and It just occurred to me today which song it somehow reminded me of:- The Lions Share by 10,000 Maniacs. Not in a copying sort of way, just something about the up and down structure of the melody. Maybe its just me ...
  13. No. But I love characters like Mr Smith. Jump to 5 mins in for some words at the end
  14. http://wilcoworld.net/#!/new-10-vinyl-ep-speak-into-the-rose/ http://www.antilabelblog.com/?p=7896 No turntable and actually disappointed with the extras on the delux CD (so it was a good job the main CD was so brill) means this is not going to trouble me. I must get Sometimes It Happens though - that is a lovely bit on the side - should have been on the deluxe CD!
  15. Splitter! With you on Nixon at least. Manifold deep joy. I have two of their others but not the ones you list ...
  16. The BBC showed it in parts over the weekend. Enjoyed it but actually found it very disjointed.
  17. Around a 3 minute interview video here at the link ... http://edition.cnn.c...lbum/index.html
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH3TvSxT288
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kedG10tH48I With The Who sitting beneath them at the back.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVHP7jR8_8o
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