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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Ha! I yield to your knowledge of a vision of the world expressed through the medium of string. Meanwhile, since Mavis got a mention, like this pic But really, how can anyone who knows anything about Wilco not appreciate and embrace the comedy angle . A big draw for me certainly. And though my first exposure to Wilco was via Billy Bragg & MA when I saw Man in the Sand on TV, when I decided tp pay them some real attention on their own and got the IATTBYH film, what happened? Within the first few minutes JT was sticking a fag in his belly button (with what I have come to know as a 'shar
  2. Well, just about the least likely paper for a Wilco piece. Either someone in particular there likes them or they are the only remaining celebs who don't know their phones are being hacked by the dark forces in the Murdoch empire. As an aside, one of my favourite lines on TWL is the simple 'So on and so forth', just 'cos I know JT always cracks a grin when he sings it - as if it's the antidote to complicated lyrics and being taken too seriously :-) Anyone with a blinking raffia owl on stage can't be too hardcore. I only noticed it blinking for the first time on the Sat night at the Roundhou
  3. It's a Glasgow/Scotland thing, and strangely enough the fortified wine is produced by monks at an abbey in Devon. Guaranteed to cause a rammy, hence the nickname ...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py3huGqjO_0
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNxhbdPx7Sc Nice to see the old rug again.
  6. Hope you've packed enough commotion lotion for your trip.
  7. http://www.uncut.co.uk/blog/index.php?blog=6&p=1739&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
  8. The Financial Times review of night 1. Was expecting a few more of the official reviews to filter through, maybe give them a couple of more days. But Arctic Monkeys were at the O2, and that new Damon Albarn venicle were performing for the first time too, and they might have hogged the live music coverage of the broadsheets. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/685ade62-046f-11e1-b309-00144feabdc0.html
  9. Italian Vogue of all places ... :-) http://www.vogue.it/uomo-vogue/stars/2011/11/wilco
  10. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/nov/01/pete-townshend-john-peel-lecture
  11. "Jeff Tweedy y sus cohortes" - nice. That guitar looks snappy! Woof! In the words of Vince Noir, it's impossible to be unhappy in a poncho.
  12. Ha! In fact he is the only one I have had a few words with after bumping in to him on the streets of Paris on the afternoon of a show there. He declined my offer of a sandwich (I was having a picnic at a viewpoint - though picnic is too grand a word for the few bits and pieces I was munching). Probably quite wise. I did write a long piece on that day here. Probably lost in one of the server crashes.
  13. There never was a reason given for that was there? Not even a blanket 'family/personal something came up'. Luckily for me it was during my little 'break' from live Wilco before the hunger returned. You really missed out on the Union Chapel night Rich. The closest thing possible to a UK living room show. Even had a few words with Sue when she took requests in a clipboard beforehand. It did reinforce my view that any meeting with the man himself is probably best avoided though - they're not tall, I am, it gets a bit awkward Still, I wouldn't say no to a sit down chat though..
  14. That's a shame, you should have posted here last week or something and we could have met up. It was such a brilliant night wasn't it. Back to work now though ... but will have to give that encore video another lashing at lunchtime. Also, thought I might have seen Rich T across a crowded floor on Friday, but couldn't be sure ...
  15. Wowsah! Thanks a lot - such great sound. That should be put in it's own thread and pinned, followed by a submission for beatification. That miracle with the crutches guy was witnessed by enough people. Dear Wilco management : please don't get this one pulled. Think of Sir Nicholas. The old guy could do with the publicity! Pat was in his command bunker with the 3rd acoustic on the go. The stage front could not contain two larger than life barnets. And that Christ (on a bike) pose from Nels during The Late Greats. Comic genius! Also, I just read a short post elsewhere describing Wilco, aff
  16. After seeing the current stage lighting rig, I think they must have called in and bought the place out of lamp shades
  17. It is a very schizophrenic station. When I was a lad it was the home of easy listening, big band, and pre-rock'n roll music (classical and a bit of jazz is radio3). Now there are still such shows, but now people of the equivalent age to those times are listening to all kinds of 'rock' music and it has specialised shows for country etc.. Radio 1 is more for urban and disposable pop. Radio 6 is the more indie station, for which John Peel would have been a doting grandfather. I actually spend almost all my radio time with radio 4 and '4 extra' - spoken word: current affairs, drama, serialised b
  18. Indeed. Oh, and please don't humanise her by use of a first name :-) P.S. ending a sentence with 'mind you' makes you sound like you're almost Welsh :-)
  19. Bumpety bump bump after last night. Please refer to post #1
  20. Second night was loud, just no distortion where I was. Agree with others - they have been loud for years. A while back in Hammersmith we were even 'treated' to the drone from Less Than You Think. It wasn't full length, but was definitely 'challenging' passing through the awkward 'ok I get the statement, now how much longer will this go on for' stage, and everyone was still heads down coaxing feedback out of their instruments for some considerable time more. I still think it was the result of a little contrary streak JT harboured towards the London 'musical establishment/concert-going elite' (i
  21. You are now honour bound to reciprocate in December. This is how it works in the Way of the Wilco. There is no alternative. Submit. We know where you live!
  22. Nah, it's the time of year. You're obviously coming down with something. Please seek medical advice.
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