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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Also, Lost was filmed in Hawaii, Dr Who is based in Cardiff. The weather is not so reliable for filming year round (and serious note - it is the major, major production for BBC Wales stretching their resources)
  2. So, next headlining London show is on the Thursday before the Friday and Saturday Wilco double header. JT and co may need to up their game to avoid an anti-climax
  3. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/glastonbury/8578144/Jim-Jones-Revue-Britains-last-rocknrollers.html
  4. Most exciting thing I've seen in a long time ... Maybe since Strummer and Jones were at it ... Just click on anything by then in Youtube after that.
  5. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/worldfolkandjazz/8587515/Gillian-Welch-Harrow-and-The-Harvest-CD-review.html They had better come to the UK this time around ...
  6. If you really mean 'day' then I think you will be on your own. For all the shows in the UK I've ever attended I've been more than satisfied with an hour and a half to 2 hours before opening up time (and have been at the front then) - though being dead front is not so attractive to me now - a polite three or four rows back will do nicely. There is one man who will have all the answers though Bbop, where are you ...
  7. Yes, feels like a lot of holes in this story, but it was so choc-ful of little gems (the Victorian sword-weilding lesbians and the lactating egg man) that I was content with letting it all wash over me. Not to mention the fact that I could hardly reconcile what I was seeing with the cardboard props and silly rubber mask Dr Who budgets of old. Tremendous stuff.
  8. Any suggestions for October 26th? It's a Wednesday, so can't be reserved for Jools Holland or something. Very odd only a few days in to have a night off.
  9. Born and bred but living in London now :-( Just want to see them in my home town one day. Don't know anything specific about the Colston Hall, but I would generally say that GA = standing area.
  10. Well, that's a 68 quid bet on the next album being a corker done. Come on lads!
  11. Every time I've been there - just standing in the circular-ish hall. There are raised seats around the sides but I think those are first come first served too and, of course, not something you're likely to consider
  12. For those non-Brits, the map link (and address) they have on WilcoWorld for the Roundhouse is wrong. Here is the correct location:- http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Roundhouse+chalk+farm&aq=&sll=51.512068,-0.122974&sspn=0.009708,0.019076&g=The+Piazza,+Covent+Garden+London+UK+WC2E+8BE&ie=UTF8&ll=51.543506,-0.1525&spn=0.009702,0.019076&z=16 I think there is a pub with the name 'Round House' in Covent Garden - which is what they're stating. Wilco HQ have been informed It's decent enough, though some people complai
  13. Nice start - part one of a double feature set in the USA. Some puzzles for the grown ups and creepy scares for the kids.
  14. Nice hour and a half (no advert breaks ) doc/biographic interview on George Martin on the Beeb tonight. Look out for it if you are interested. Best quote on being miffed at having the Let It Be Tapes ttaken away from him with no credit for producing the original sessions: should have been credited: "Produced by George Martin. Overproduced by Phil Spector". A lot of stuff I never knew he was involved with that are tunes from my childhood etc. (did know about alot of the comedy stuff, but there were a few surprises)
  15. Dear JT, I'd prefer to have my heart broken then my eardrums shredded at this point. Ta.
  16. Bumping with a bit of appreciation from the horse's mouth, so to speak.
  17. FYI John Lennon letters to be published
  18. Wonderful. Growing great feeling about this next album. That has all the magic of Mermaid Avenue - which was my lead into Wilco in the first place.
  19. As well as having no sense of smell, it is a little known fact that Pat was raised by a family of Purple Gallinule, which explains the frequent extravagent plummage displays.
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