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Everything posted by j4lackey

  1. That is kind of interesting. Didn't know that about him.
  2. All The Highways should be on the radio and TV right now. Or someday. I love that song. You guys really nailed something there, together.
  3. Glad you're amused.
  4. I will. She's on schedule for her marathon. I'm on schedule for running no more than 3 miles every other day. That's plenty for me. You stay cool!
  5. Yes I do it. Sometimes. Hopefully more focused and serious about it sometime in the future. One song (or at least the lyrics) finally made it on to a CD by a Louisville band.
  6. I had taped this one off the Dead Hour years ago, wore it out, and was happy when it became an official release. I'm digging this Buffalo 79.
  7. Heard the version on DP 29, Lakeland, FL 77? That and the Row Jimmy are delightfully sloppy and dirty, and inspired. It's one of my favorites.
  8. Happy Birthday, Tracy! Hope it's a good one!
  9. When they introduced him at Lollapalooza this weekend (before the Redwalls, maybe?), they said he was moving to New York.
  10. Thanks. I really enjoyed their set. I wonder how deep an understanding Beatle Bob really has of any of the music he listens to/sees
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