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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Are people allowed to think you have a tendency to be unnecessarily mean about it, then? My fucking avatar is fucking broken. I need to find another site that hosts the fucking FIU helmet like the one before. Got to fucking represent for my fucking school.
  2. You are no fucking christian scholar.
  3. Fucking Titanic is fucking important. Because it fucking sucked. Fuckers.
  5. Sun Nov 02 Tallahassee FL THE MOON @ FSU The Hold Steady (HS Closes) I'm gonna make the drive, I've got some friends in Tally. (I was keeping a look out for someone in a Kings Of Leon shirt at the MMJ concert, to no avail. What'd you think of them?)
  6. Fucking yawn, dude. Republicans aren't the only ones who attack politicians, or have you ignored this whole thread?
  7. Am I having deja vu or did tree hugger already post that a few days ago? Like almost word for word? Hmm, a quick search says no. Fuck. Deja vu, I guess.
  8. Well, he's being a combative dick, so yeah.
  9. I seem to have liked this movie more than anyone else. The courtroom scene always hits me like a sack of bricks...
  10. So we might've lost 40-10, but that's an improvement over 55-3 from last year and hey, in our new unis, at least we looked good while losing.
  11. I just think in the same way people thought Gore was too condescending and mean to Bush, it'll be very easy for the same thing to happen with Biden and Palin in the debates. I would count on her coming out ahead.
  12. Well, I think she's going to absolutely destroy Biden in the court of popular opinion in the debates, and I think this will only help in that regard. Biden can come off as kind of a dick, and he's going to have to step very lightly with her. And man, from a political POV how much does it help their campaign that both McCain and Palin have kids in the Army?
  13. Well, yeah. But I'm sure Bush said the same things in 2000 in South Carolina. Not saying his campaign was behind any of the rumors, but they are probably big fans of whoever was.
  14. So Obama might be a bad parent? At the very least, he's a better man than some of his supporters seem to be. Sen. Obama's response to today's Palin story: "I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits. And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor and/or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18 and how a family deals with issues and teenage ch
  15. Put all of my DBT and THS on shuffle today for my drive home from Orlando, and man I cannot wait for this show. Both of these bands are among my 5 favorites right now. I've really gotten into DBT over the last 2 weeks.
  16. Have you met her? Have you seen how she is with her family? Did you even know who she was before last Thursday? Is Barrack Obama a bad parent? He's been pretty busy since 2004, hasn't he?
  17. The person questioning someone they've never met's parenting skills is going to lecture me on class. Alright. And if the 17 year old doesn't get pregnant? Is she still aterrible mother? If she's a man is this even a discussion? That's the one question you've consistently dodged all day.
  18. 'Liberals in america' Using the "f" word means I'm angry.
  19. She has a husband, you know. Men can take care of children. Are you really this fucking thick? And I think it's still a fair question: If McCain had picked a man with 5 kids, would that be too many?
  20. Accepting that it's his fucking opinion and leave it at that?
  21. Democrats have used that to point out how dirty Republicans are in running election campaigns, but this stinks just as bad to me...
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