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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I don't disagree that he's never very good with the glove. But you can hide him in LF if you have to.
  2. I mean, sure. That 8th inning was anything but ugly baseball. I don't care how we win, as long as we do. And ripping on a football stadium that we rent is kind of pointless. Maybe if our stadium is ugly in 2011, you can say that, but for now, let it go. Like Shea isn't a dump anyways. And I don't really know who matt Cerrone is, but I'm not too concerned.
  3. Man, if I'm a Mets fan, I can't feel too happy about 4 and thirds innings from my pen without an explanation. You don't win in spite of him being awesome at baseball. It's not his fault.
  4. matt or dan - any clue what happened with Maine tonight? He was pitching great, and didn't look hurt. Manuel just trying to show him what's what?
  5. It has some songs that aren't all that good.
  6. Cassadaga isn't great, but it's got some great songs ("I Must Belong Somewhere", I'm looking at you.)
  7. Mike Jacobs is fucking awful, but apparently 38 home runs isn't enough to get the call. Ugh.
  8. I want Adam Dunn in a Marlins uniform real bad.
  9. You are talking to a big fan of Paul's solo work, so I don't think that's a great criticism. That said, I don't like it all that much. It's a great song, and the string arrangement is, I think, absolutely one of the best in the history of music. But they have better songs, for sure. And Paul has much better songs too, solo or otherwise. It's kind of bland, but it does have a beautiful melody.
  10. Or maybe it's all based on your respective opinions, thus making any point either of you makes moot.
  11. I literally fell out of my chair in the theater. That was just about the funniest thing I ever saw. That and Shaun of the Dead are two of my favorite movies ever.
  12. I like it alot one listen through.
  13. Lifted is his strongest album lyrically, but I'm Wide Awake is my favorite. Lyrically it's the most straightforward and focused, and the music is incredible.
  14. Pitchfork has never liked them. And everytime Pitchfork reviews them, they mention this New York Times profile, which apparently is the only reason anyone likes them. Has anyone ever actually read this profile? Pitchfork is just pissed off that someone else tried to make a band become the "band of the moment". That is their job, and is reserved exclusively for them!
  15. So we'll hunt him, because Bale can take it. He can be the outcast. Bale isn't a celebrity. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
  16. Apparently the Braves have been scouting the Marlins AAA team real hard. This is interesting, because Dallas McPherson is the only person worth a damn down there, and he leads the entire minor leagues with 33 home runs.
  17. Good isn't the same as tasty. I would've never paid for it, but for free? I went crazy for those things.
  18. Yes, but that is dangerous. I didn't have non-slip kicks like I do now. One day we got a shipment of blueberries for no reason, so me and 2 other kids decided to have a fight with them. Probably should've gotten fired for that. Man, their BBQ sandwiches and chili dogs looks really gross, but they were tasty as all hell.
  19. Man, I ate terribly when I worked at DQ. I'm surprised I didn't die just from working there...
  20. There is definitely an underdog mentality amongst Met and Red Sox fans, and it might've been deserved 10-15 years ago, but they've gotta understand it's obnoxious to the rest of the world.
  21. I was referring to the Mets, mostly. The Brewers are underdogs, but I suppose you could say that for almost any midwestern team. I can relate to the trouble sustaining success long term. It kind of looks like the Marlins are poised to be successful for a while, but it all depends on if ownership is willing to use profits from the stadium on the team and if people actually come out.
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