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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Oh no, the price of gas in America, which was kept artificially low for 2 decades, is just now catching up to something that the rest of the world can even comprehend.
  2. Definitely more subdued. I would say his song writing on this is better than on the last one, but it has like zero hooks.
  3. Supposed to be his electric album. 5 songs in, I think someone forgot to tell Jack.
  4. I love the McPherson signing, and I hate the Gonzalez one. The McPherson one is exactly the type of low risk, high upside move the Marlins need to be making. Gonzalez isn't.
  5. McCain isn't really liberal. He's just not so close-minded that he rejects ideas from the other side, unlike most of his colleagues on the right as well as the left.
  6. Well, that makes a little more sense, then. But I'm just not sold on Crede being all that great of a hitter. He's had one season of above league average OPS and that was in a hitter's park. I'm going to look around for more info on Lowry, but does anyone know why he's crapped out so bad since an impressive 04-05? Those two didn't look like flukey years, all of the periphery stats were there. Looks like he just lost it.
  7. I'm really pulling for a McCain-Obama match up. It's the only scenario where I feel confident we'd have a good president.
  8. Well, neither player is anything special, but Joe Crede is hardly better than Pedro Feliz, who they just let walk. Why lose a decent 28 year old starter for Crede. And what the hell happened to Lowry since 05? That must've been some crazy flukey season.
  9. Jeez, the Giants would be getting ripped off in that one.
  10. Tiki was one of the 5 best RB's in the league. The rest of that stuff is unimportant for me.
  11. So you don't like people discussing trades or steroids? So we can discuss games and nothing else?
  12. For what it's worth, I don't see Santana being this good for more than a few more years.
  13. This seems like a strange thing to say with nothing to back it up.
  14. I like pretty much every song on there, but "Leave Me Like You Found Me" is pretty boring. I would say I don't like that one. But all of the others are top notch.
  15. Not 10 posts ago you said you supported the Iraq war when everyone else in your party did, now you don't. You definitely are the very definition of a blind party follower. The democratic nominees have no real plans for change. You just think they do because they say "change" alot.
  16. I'd take the 4 over just one of Ellsbury or Hughes. Prospects have such high attrition rates, that it probably makes sense to have more with lower ceilings than one with a high ceiling.
  17. The best songs on the Green Album are the ones that don't sound like Weezer. "HAsh Pipe" and "Island In The Sun". Though "Island in the Sun" eventually became so popular it is now regarded as the "Weezer sound", but they never really did anything too similar to it before or since.
  18. Maladroit has some downright awesome songs. I am one of it's few apologists, it seems.
  19. Smallest. Sample. Size. Ever. That is like saying "Mike Redmond has a career batting average against Tom Glavine of .400+. Best. Player. Ever." It is quite obvious you didn't read my post. Cool.
  20. That is not my logic at all. But what is more important than figuring out why we went in (and we aren't really doing that. We are just appropriating blame to whoever will make us look best) is figuring out what we are going to do now. We are in. We have been. Is the surge working? Can we pull out now? Do we need more troops? These are issues that are far more important than why we went in, but nobody seems to be looking for a real answer that isn't steeped in rhetoric and attack.
  21. I agree, they've done some awfully fucked up shit (PATRIOT Act and the related bullshit spring immediately to mind). But who should be taking the fall for this stuff? We're going to throw the President in jail, then? Ultimately, many Presidents have done just as much to violate national and international law. How many of them went to jail? Lincoln is a perfect example, i.e. the suspension of habeas corpus. My main point is we are all gnashing our teeth about Bush but I really don't think the country's in that bad shape. You can blame the recession on him if you want, but recessions happe
  22. This is my point. Instead of voting with their conscience, or voting based on information that was there, they voted because they were afraid they wouldn't get re-elected. That is what pisses me off, and this is why I hold everyone accountable. We put lives at risk because people weren't willing to deal with the reprecussions of their actions, and they still aren't. Rather than fessing up that they voted for the war, democrats have been dancing around the issue for the last 4 years because they are afraid, again, (and sort of ironically) they won't get elected or re-elected. Well, lying
  23. I also view this as a huge "Win now" move for the Mets. That team is aging or going to be too expensive before long.
  24. I think it is sort of silly and useless to debate whether we should have invaded Iraq. Despite the fact that the reality didn't match what we were told, many of the problems we faced could have been avoided had we actually sat down and thought out a plan for the war. Instead, both sides blindly followed the President into the war without questioning it. I halfway believe the democrats were rooting for a disaster in Iraq so they could use it to blast the republicans. Regardless, debating whether we should have gone in 5 years ago is all kinds of pointless. We need to figure out a plan for th
  25. I would argue going into Iraq wasn't an inherently terrible idea, given what we thought we knew at the time. We could've saved alot of time, lives, and money if we had simply thought it through, and for that, the Democrats need to take some blame. Instead of voting to allow it to happen, they (and everyone else, nobody is safe from criticism) should have made sure we knew we had a plan for stabilizing the region.
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