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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I'm not sure what to think, but it was just one listen.
  2. Still waiting for that one knock out melody. The arrangements and atmosphere are there, but I need a "Race For The Prize" or "Yoshimi 1".
  3. You don't know awful until you've sat through a day game in the middle of summer here.
  4. I feel like I should wait until I'm not on a shitty laptop to listen, but I can't.
  5. Well, wouldn't the fact that he's overrated lend itself to the first ballotness?
  6. ok. You're contributions on this topic are appreciated.
  7. When have you ever gotten the impression I can do better?
  8. Shouldn't you be busy complaining about some trivial perceived slight?
  9. http://men.style.com/gq/features/full?id=content_10957&pageNum=10
  10. That would be a really silly argument to make, though. Like, really silly. I'm not sure people realize just how dominant Taylor was during that season. 11 passes defended, 9 forced fumbles, 2 fumble recoveries, 62 total tackles, 2 picks, 2 TD's 13.5 sacks. Just silliness all year long. Sorry, Jules.
  11. Jim Brown was kind of the first great running back and he averaged like a billion yards per carry. Sayers was, by all accounts, one of the most unbelievably talented players ever. He also holds the record for highest percentage of returns for a touchdown. He was stupid good. I'll just say I hope Jules is as adamant or more about Jason Taylor being a HOFer.
  12. This is why I'm so happy FJM is taking over Deadspin today: Welcome back.
  13. This makes me so angry. I know it's Rush Limbaugh, but god this makes me so fucking mad. What a fucking racist piece of shit. He's the worst. Has he never seen a schoolyard fight? What the fuck is wrong with him. God, fuck him so hard...
  14. This is a good point, only because I didn't realize how few of them are in. A guy who was a great player for 8 and a half years is not a hall of famer. Especially if he was never a transcendent, position defining player like, say Ray Lewis.
  15. Zach Thomas was far more underrated than Brian Urlacher. That is all.
  16. So basically, you don't have a point? It's not like he's fucking killing people. He's a competitive egomaniac. Probably the worst thing he's done related to that is punching Steve Kerr in the face. I don't think people are excusing the way he treated his wife, for example, but I think its pretty easy to excuse someone being a competitive prick like him because you can't be who Michael Jordan is without being that way. And it's not like people are out there defending Mike Vick or Donte Stallworth en masse just because they have, as you might put it, one socially unredeeming skill. If you'r
  17. I like the plate discipline. Honestly, though. His baseball career is considered something of a joke, but if you think about how difficult a game it is, the fact that he even did what he did is a testament to what type of athlete he is. He hadn't played competitvely in like 13 years, right? And he just walked onto a fairly high level of play and hit .200. There are guys who can't do that who have played every day their entire lives. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but I think if he had gone with baseball instead of basketball, he could have been a hell of a player.
  18. I don't really think there is that big of a difference. Why is the written word our defining ability as humans but not our ability to test the physical limits of our bodies in extremely well organized events and stuff like that? If David Foster Wallace routinely raped collies, would he be excused because he was a good writer? It's not just basketball anymore, right? Now he's able to express the entire gamut of human emotions! I'm not really arguing that, per se, I just hate that for such a fucking intelligent person, you are so god damned narrow minded. You think writing is awesome, that's c
  19. David Foster Wallace was good at putting ink to paper and/or hitting keys in a seemingly random manner, but he was still just doing that stuff.
  20. the NBA is becoming professional wrestling.
  21. What does it mean? John McEnroe used to yell at the head judges and curse them out. Were you saying "Tennis will soon become professional wrestling" 20 years ago? Of course not. She got upset, and rightfully so. Should she have handled it better? Sure. Should she have told the line judge she was going to throw the ball down his throat? Probably not. But what you said literally doesn't mean anything. Doubly so if you don't say anything after that to explain it.
  22. I assume you also really dislike John McEnroe.
  23. Bothered me all day? ok. And also, you just justified giving an award for defensive excellence to a guy who didn't even play 1/5 of his games at that position (or any) because he had been good in other years. That's precisely why that award is ridiculous. It's based on reputation and offense and you said as much re: Zimmerman and yet you don't think this award is pointless?
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