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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I would hope so! Ugh. My roommate just broke out a bottle of southern comfort. He's a terrible influence.
  2. I just downed 5 shots of vodka and 2 bottles of powerade. I am ready to write this paper.
  3. I have no clue about what happens in south Florida musically. What are good websites to find out about shows?
  4. "Happy birthday, Liz." And happy birthday from me too!
  5. He's definetly one of my favorite writers. He's very clever, although sometimes he can be a bit overbearing, I suppose. He's very much aware of his own intelligence, and that can be a huge turn off in writing. But it works for him because he's very earnest about the things he writes about, and you can tell he's not just saying things to be ironic or hip. Going into Fargo Rock City, you really do expect it to be ironic and back handed, but he truly does love heavy metal, and that's why it is so successful at what it is.
  6. Tonight is going to be one of those nights. I have a 4 page paper to write and I haven't even started. I'm going to write a criticism on one of the chapters in Fargo Rock City.
  7. I'm hoping the Panthers can do something, but losing Luongo hurts. But in the new NHL, it's more important to be able to score, and the Panthers should definetly be able to score with that front line now. As long as Auld and Belfour can be decent, we'll be ok.
  8. I am waiting with baited breath.
  9. It doesn't really say that.
  10. Maybe. The best part about the Boondocks is when Riley throws chairs, which happens at least once every two episodes.
  11. I do not know if I am Carlos' type of person, but I'd guess "no".
  12. I have to pay a $182.50 ticket by tomorrow or my license gets suspended.
  13. No, the fact that after being completely full of themselves all year the Mets fans are now scared shitless because the games actually matter and their biggest weakness could possibly be shown. Also, that.
  14. A fair and balanced mistake.
  15. The Marlins got the guy who considers this a "Dream job". Thats a plus, considering most people would stay away from this job like the plague.
  16. Maybe if Rich Hill really is as good as he looked in September, andFelix Pie lives up to expectations, and a hundred other huge "maybe's" they might be competitive in a few years, but realistically this team is in shambles.
  17. Jim Gaffigan is probably my favorite stand up comedian right now, and luckily enough I'll be seeing him on saturday.
  18. I'm thinking just the nap will do.
  19. Florida Marlins Fire Manager Girardi MIAMI -- Florida Marlins manager Joe Girardi was fired Tuesday, a move that had been expected after his rift with owner Jeffrey Loria boiled over in an on-the-field confrontation two months ago. Girardi lost his job even though he's considered a strong candidate for NL manager of the year. The Marlins had baseball's youngest team and lowest payroll at $15 million, but Girardi led them to a 78-84 record, and they were in contention for a playoff berth until a late-September fade. So there's that...
  20. I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self defense.
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