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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. If the Sox have him in 2004 they would probably win the World Series. Chemistry in baseball is over rated. It barely exists. The Marlins went on a winning streak after a relief pitcher gave one of the starters a black eye in a fight. The Yankees in the 70's won all kinds of stuff with all kinds of malcontents.
  2. The embryonic stem cells are more adaptable, thus it is said to be easier to use them. With the adult cells, you would need to get the liver cells to put into an unhealthy liver, etc. That said, I'm pretty sure I've read that scientists have taken the eye cells from a fly, and replaced them with eye cells from a human, and they have adapted themselves and become just like the fly's eyes and worked fine. This implies that cells are highly adaptable, so shouldn't we be able to figure something out that can work for everyone?
  3. I think the most telling thing here is that Bill Frist, the guy who said Terry Schiavo was doing really well via videotape, was opposed to this. Of course, he's probably just doing more political posturing, because he thinks he's going to running for president in 2008.
  4. Annibel "The Cannibal" Sanchez has allowed one hit in his last 2 starts.
  5. Boy, is Lou Dobbs gonna be pissed when he finds out about this.
  6. How would you replace my wit and charm then?
  7. We're never going to see eye to eye on this. It's best we drop it before someone get's hurt.
  8. I am a mayo, mustard, ketchup, pickle kind of guy. The pickle has to be crunchy though.
  9. A bottle of Heinz Ketchup has "57" right there on the label, does it not? I was specifying that the type of ketchup he should put on his burger is Heinz. The 57 was, I suppose, unnecesary, but it's there now. We can't change that.
  10. That is why I specified that you should have the Heinz Ketchup, which I assume can also be called Heinz 57 Ketchup, because it also has the 57 on the bottle, and says "57 varieties" or some such thing.
  11. You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!
  12. Heinz 57 Ketchup. How dare you even ask such a question. I might have a burger. Depends on where I have dinner.
  13. I saw a little league home run today! Reggie Abercrombie bunts and there is a throwing error to first. So he takes second. There is a throwing error to second. He scores. Pretty awesome.
  14. I'd say the sabermetrics POV is a big reason the A's have had so much success with such relatively little payrolls. They just know their shit.
  15. Chipper is hitting like .580 in his last 70 at bats. Ridiculous. (and he's on my fantasy team).
  16. Sorry. I have this thing where I have to reply to every post in a thread.
  17. I am typing like this. I am still tyoing like thsi. OMG OMG OMG unbeliebable.
  18. OK, it was the greatest comeback in postseason history. I'm just sick of hearing about it.
  19. I see you're point. Me talking about baseball things is just like ESPN showing only Red Sox or Yankees games on Wednesdays and Sundays. I see the light now.
  20. Because guys used to be just as dominant while pitching more innings. Mariano Rivera has never had a year like Eck's 1992. Rollie Fingers had a 2.90 ERA while pitching almost 2 innings per appearance. I'd say thats more dominant than 2.33 in barely over on per appearance. But you are right, I'm letting my blind hatred for all things Yankees cloud my judgement (even though I've probably defended Jeter as much as anyone here has). I just like to see people argue things with like, facts and stats and stuff. Because I'd say it's much better than anectdotal evidence. I mean, I can say Ricky N
  21. I'd be a fan of the Blue Jays, but they have AJ Burnett, and he's dead to me. Ok, here's a topic for discussion: When are the Yankees going to realize that they will need to rebuild? And the same goes for the red sox, somewhat. They are both old teams with maybe one or two decent prospects coming up. Are they going to keep signing veterans to ridiculously long and overpriced contracts? I think they are going to become flat out bad teams in the very near future. The Yankees are already showing it. Their deep pockets can only hide their bad front office decisions for so long before they cr
  22. Since becoming a closer, he has pitched in 577 games and thrown 633 innings. So yes, every 10 appearances he gets 4 outs. So yeah, I'm just being oppositional. Everyone knows Joe Borowski/Todd Jones/Armando Benitez/Robb Nen is the best closer.
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