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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Definitely. It's interesting, for sure.
  2. yeah on an album with so many great loose melodies, I can't call that the highlight.
  3. Am I the only one that finds BBN more interesting than a really great song? I'm not sure I hear a lot of melodies. Maybe it'll grow on me.
  4. This is the most surprising news I've heard since "The Wilco Album leaked before the official release date."
  5. I disagree, but that's ok. I like a shorter album, or if it has to be very long, a double album. He's not saying it is good because it is 42 minutes. It's a nice, concise running time for an album he likes. Would I take 75 minutes of good music over 42? Sure, but I think the quality of albums tends to dip when they got longer.
  6. Yeah. Them and Cavs is going to be fun to watch if the Lakers show up. They are, imo, a head above eveyrone else.
  7. Who's idea was it to hit a fucking bell during "Everlasting Everything"? No me gusta...
  8. Because it's nice sometimes when a band recognizes you don't have to throw every idea onto a record just because you can. I think 45 minutes is the perfect length for an album.
  9. "Sonny Feeling" Dance! That's probably the most improved from the 4 I heard live previously.
  10. "My Country Has Disappeared" is really good. I don't think this is disappointing so far. Not at all. Was telling Solace I couldn't hear the Harrison vibe on "You Never Know", and as I said it, the slide guitar popped up and I smiled a big smile.
  11. The running thread for me since they announced the title and the cover is "When did Wilco become so fun?" The album does nothing to change this.
  12. We're gonna try to have him on the radio sometime in the new future. I won't be on, but I'll see if anyone wants to be brave enough to ask. I'll let you know.
  13. Guess I'll stay at the What Stage from 5:30-whenever Springsteen gets off.
  14. The special he did on the history of comedy for them was really good, I thought.
  15. I did not realize that was Eric Bana at all. Great movie, the casting was absolutely perfect. The only one who threw me off a little was Chekhov at first because all I could see him as was Charlie Bartlett doing a russian accent.
  16. I don't mind not prosecuting Bush officials.
  17. Something about how you've got to be able to live with yourself if you do it or some shit.
  18. I liked when mike Lowell criticized him. That 05 season doesn't look suspicious at all, mikey.
  19. I believe it was game 1 of that series. They won 9-3.
  20. I think it's dickish when most guys do it, but he plays the game in sucha joyous way that I really think he's just doing it for laughs.
  21. So I met Isiah Thomas today, had a meeting with him and the sports staff at the newspaper here. He is a nice guy. Very soft spoken. He made fun of me because everyone else with me had a tie and I didn't. We had about an hour and a half long meeting where we talked business for about half an hour and then talked about his experiences dealing with the media in the pros, what he thinks of the league right now (thinks Paul, Williams, Rose, and Billups are all way better than him and he can't believe how talented the league is now; I think he's selling himself short), and a bunch of other random st
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