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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. lebron is averaging like a point a minute in the postseason.
  2. best moment of this thread: joss ackland having the eureka moment that the reason he and speed racer haven't agree is taste. Not hating, I legitimately found that funny.
  3. Plus, you just know Wilco (the album)(not the band) owns every single michael Jordan game on a massive VHS collection.
  4. that's what I was thinking as well. Glad to know we're on the same page.
  5. He's not as athletic as he once was and I think that's where his trouble comes in repeating his delivery.
  6. I mean. Yeah. It's not close for me. Craig Finn makes me want to scribble his lyrics down in the margins of my homework like a 14 year old girl And he doesn't look like a fairy on the stage. I think I'm going to have to fight whoever said this.
  7. Craig Finn is a better lyricist than Jeff Tweedy. There, I said it. It's actually not even close for me.
  8. Ricky nolasco, what the he'll happened to you?
  9. You're gonna hate a guy for anxiety disorder?
  10. I know he's been awful for you guys, but how can you seriously dislike him?
  11. I got half through Big Red Son last night, but I started reading it too late and I was exhausted. It's enjoyable so far, I'll be sure to shoot you a message when I'm done with the book.
  12. Rickie Weeks does not care about the top of the first, apparently. He's really good. I'm glad he's finally putting it together.
  13. I didn't know where else to put this so you'd see it. I bought a David Foster Wallace book yesterday. "Consider The Lobster". It looked like the easiest way to get into him. Infinite Jest looks like a bit too much. Just thought you'd like to know.
  14. I think "I'll Fight" is my favorite song on the record. When it goes out of the "I'll fight" bit and into the storytelling bit, that right there is the best melody on the whole damn album.
  15. Zimmerman at 30 now. He's been really impressive this year, I honestly thought he was going to end up a dissapointment for them.
  16. I feel like spiders was way more panic attacky than bbn.
  17. Still have 'wilco (the song)' in my head.
  18. Figured this would happen before long.
  19. Yeah, If I had to make on complaint, it's that john isnot nearly as in the front with the basslines. The bass playing in sbs was my favorite thing about it, I think.
  20. Our offense has been in a rut for a while, hanleys the only one doing anything. I'm not worries, because we have guys with track records, but it's been frustrating as hell.
  21. I have to be up for work in 5 and a half hours
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