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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Sheffield not winning the MVP in 96 was the travesty of all travesties. I can't believe he only finishes 6th. That's what happens when you play for a sub .500 expansion team. Well, maybe not so much. A lot of guys had great year. BUt he was ridiculous that year. Kevin Brown also should've won the Cy Young that year. We got jobbed because both of them are assholes.
  2. I don't like or dislike the move. Willingham's bad back + a glut of OFers means he's expendable. If his back is as bad as I think it is, he's basically Luis Castillo with no speed playing left field, which is terrible. We've already got a guy who can do that in AA right now. And Olsen sucks. I like the 19 year old short stop we got.
  3. Sheff is absolutely a HOFer in my eyes, though I might be biased because he was the first real Marlins star and would probably go in as a Marlin. His resume is as good as anyone's, he's just a jerk. One of the best pure hitters of his time. Walked 300 times more than he struck out, and he also hit 500 homers and stole 250 bases.
  4. The simple solution that nobody ever considers when judging players of the steroid era is: judge them against the players they played against. You wouldn't judge a national league hitter in the 60's against an AL hitter from the 20's. It would be unfair. So judge the guys who played in this era. And Baseball prospectus has a study that shows that much of the growth in home run hitting in the 90's was the result of fringe guys, not stars, increasing their production.
  5. I'd say Thome is a HOFer, if I had a vote. He's not worth 20 million, but the Nats might have to pay him that much just to get him.
  6. He's also got a very wide skill set, and he's one of the better defensive first basemen in the game. He should age well. It's a lot of money, but when you are the Nationals you have to do something like this.
  7. A quick search confirms your suspicion. I dunno, I can't really explain what I mean re: her character. I just felt weird.
  8. Well, I thought Tech should've been number 1 last week too. Alabama has the 96th toughest schedule in D1. Tech has the 17th.
  9. Tech demolished the number 15 team. Alabama squeaked out a win against the 16 (?) team in the country who is getting probably the worst quarterback play of any major team right now.
  10. I just got a sort of "mammy" vibe from her.
  11. I mean, it's a lot of money, and will be even more so when he's 38, but he's going to be productive as hell for the next 5 years or so.
  12. It's actually a brilliant move. Get beat by like 40 one week, and then if you do better than that the next week you have to be moved up. Whatever. Fuck any poll that doesn't have TT at 1 right now.
  13. brad did you happen to see the asu-fiu game? My brain is still trying to process the ending... True freshman ty Hilton did this today for fiu: 6 catches, 199 yard 1/1 38 yards, game winning touchdown Plus about 50 return yards. He's got a realistic shot at 1,000 recieving yards as a freshman and he's around the top in all NCAA in return yards. And he's 18. Unreal. ASU flat out refused to kick the ball to him on kickoffs.
  14. I love the road gray, but the blue with the flag is absolutely awful.
  15. We're always ready! Going out to tailgate in about an hour, it's homecoming! I'm hoping it's a good game, but I think the Wolves are just gonna pound it out on the ground and we won't be able to stop it. We need to get bigger.
  16. The imagery in those lines is incredible.
  17. i guess i heard about original sin i heard the dude blamed the chick i heard the chick blamed the snake i heard they were naked when they got busted i heard things ain't been the same since.
  18. Man, the Marlins system went from very weak to very strong in a very short time period. They probably have 2 top 15 hitting prospects, 3 top 50 hitters, and 6 top 100 guys. With a bunch of really strong prospects who would be higher ranked if we were the Yankees, Cubs or Red Sox.
  19. I can't think of a lyricist that I like more than Craig Finn right now.
  20. I thought from most fielding metrics he was considered one of the two worst (along with 3 time GGer Derek Jeter?) Pretty sure that was the Fielding Bible's findings, at least.
  21. Me and my friends are like The drums on lust for life We pound it on on floor toms Our psalms are sing-along songs I could do this all day.
  22. I'd hate to see either party move further to the extremes. Way to alienate the majority of voters.
  23. "All you sniffling indies kids, Hold Steady! All you clustered up clever kids, Hold Steady! I got bored when I didn't have a band So I started a band, man We gotta start it with a positive jam, man.
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