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Everything posted by kidsmoke

  1. Wow, nice photos, Morgan! I just read all 6 pages of this wonderful thread, feeding off the happy energy. You lucky souls! Johnny, gorgeous poster! And WOW, based on that YouTube clip, I've gotta say.....HAHAHAHA, Chicago claps in rhythm about as well as I do which isn't saying much! (I've thought of having a button made which says, "I do not do rhythmic handclapping." But I'm trying to improve on this. ) Even L.A. did better at the handclapping! I'm serious!
  2. Yes! Blurry though it is, I love seeing the 3 of them stacked up against each other, all absorbed into their own musical contributions. Together, yet apart. Thanks for the nice words, Clouds & Chuck!
  3. That's a personal favorite of mine, too. I also love the 4th picture, of Nels as a stuttered blur: It just has a neat "Nels" energy, to me. Of course virtually ever picture of Nels is a blur!
  4. Aw, Jen sweetest, that's so sad. I believe that goodbyes are never forever, but still, realizing that we might have to actually say goodbye...for now...is such a difficult thing. You and your family are all in my most loving thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.
  5. Happy Birthday Jen!!!! May our paths cross again very soon. In the meantime, I bring you....CAKE! Damn bakery got some of the details wrong but I hope you enjoy it anyway!
  6. It's true, I am coming, because I have never been to Arkansas, and apparently all of you will be there. This makes my showing up imperative. Now if I can just get my family situated to do without "mom" for a brief spell...and then get myself packed..... Beginning to get psyched for Roadtrip II ! PS - to M.Chris and Edie....do not let me leave Little Rock without my traditional souvenir snow globe!
  7. Wow, I hadn't realized just how many photos I shot in San Diego.....unfortunately, most of them are not spectacular, but they still bring back memories of a terrific night & a terrific show. I hope you'll enjoy them. You can see all of them at Flickr, here....the good, the bad, and the ugly ....or you can just enjoy a few favorites, posted below. I'm going to let Brennan post his favorites, so.....ya gets what ya gets.
  8. Sure, Sarah, go ahead and copy any you like, or I can just send you a disc of them if you like. The one of you and Nels came out very cute, if you overlook the security guy's arm trying to push you both aside because "This car is trying to get out!". I was going to photoshop that guy's arm out before I passed that photo along. You'll have it very soon! (I'll send a "before" and "after" for your amusement!) Yep, that was one fun picnic.
  9. The show was fantastic, despite a somewhat originally lackadaisical (sp?) audience. About 10 songs in, though, everybody abruptly rushed the stage in a wonderful burst of the Wilco-love.....Jeff finished the song and then thanked us for the stagerush, ending with "Now go find your seats..." ....Of course nobody did. We spent the rest of the show at stage's edge, glorying in the pure happiness of a transcendent show. I found myself murmuring to a friend, "Perfect moments".....because, you know, we forget to treasure those the way we should, sometimes. It was wonderful, and I wish you co
  10. You can see the rest of my shots in all their blurry glory at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/33207210@N00/...946832106/show/
  11. Here are some of my better pictures from the Santa Barbara Bowl.
  12. Brennan thanks you for your kind words. As new as he is to recording, he's quite satisfied with how this one came out. There were many terrific shows in years past that apparently went unrecorded, which is why he wanted so much to get his own recording apparatus. So now we all get to enjoy the results! I think Momma (me) made a good investment in last Christmas' presents. Thanks too to the audience members around him who were really friendly and cooperative, and didn't scream like banshees....he was fortunate in having some very nice people around him, which benefited the recording enormou
  13. Sending warmest wishes and enormous hugs across all these many miles, and wishing you the best year of your life! Of course you'll also need cake, sweetest....here, I've been baking all day, hope you like it. (If not, I'm sure the members of VC will help consume it. ) I hope you have had a wonderful day with that cute doe-eyed husband of yours! Oh! Please be sure Tara also gets a piece of the cake, as it is her day too! Much love to the both of you.
  14. It's now up on etree as well. http://bt.etree.org/details.php?id=509394
  15. Working on putting it up on etree as well. You're gonna neeeeeed to beeeee.......patient with us....... Check this space tomorrow!
  16. Kara! One word: Sharpie! Then it really can have Paul's name on it! Paul, I'm late as usual here, but just wanted to add my warm wishes to everyone else's. You deserve all the best.
  17. Yikes, belated birthday wishes seem to be becoming my schtick! Happy happy, you young pup you! Have a terrific year!
  18. Oops, late, but sending wishes for a wonderful year ahead!
  19. Late as usual, but still wishing all the best!
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