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Everything posted by kidsmoke

  1. There is just no way I can keep up with all these birthdays! But Tracy, I did think warmly of you on your day.....and then just spaced posting anything! Here, cake as you deserve, and a wish for the most beautiful of years ahead!
  2. Have a wonderful day and year, Sam! And to follow those fabulous Metal Burgers, may I suggest: Hamburger Cake!
  3. Hopelessly late, but nonetheless wished from the bottom of my heart, Johnny! Have a marvellous new year, and this cake: Almost as artistic as your own fine self!
  4. There apparently is one, because it was mentioned over on dimeadozen in the comments about my son's recording of the LA Greek show. Be patient....tapers have lives. I think you'll see it emerge in the next few weeks. Be sure to thank the taper effusively when it does! There's a lot of work involved. For perspective, I just finally got a show I've been waiting on for 5 years and had truly given up hope of ever finding.
  5. Yes, so true. It seems unimaginable that the world persists.
  6. You wear that pit bracelet until it falls off, girl. Good memories! No, Brennan has been learning the recording process (and me along with him) since he got his rig for Christmas, after begging & begging & researching equipment for months. We got our share of screwed-up recordings along the way...par for the course, I guess, as it's all a learning curve. But now he is beginning to get consistently good recordings which I'm finding myself listening to a lot. I thought about recording at Santa Barbara and San Diego, but I suspected I would forget and sing along or whoop in appreciati
  7. Ken, it was great to see you, too, and I sorely wished I'd had another pit ticket so that you could have joined us down there! Brennan's recording turned out well, by the way, and is up at dimeadozen if you have a hankering to re-hear the concert. Thinking of the wristbands that got people into the small pit area just reminded me of a funny moment at the show...I was wearing my sparkly sequined bracelet that night. Alissa and I made a restroom run just before Wilco's set, and heading back down to our places afterwards, we passed the security people checking tickets. As usual, I lifted my wr
  8. Your wish is our command! You heard the lady, let's all go say hi to Danny at his blog!
  9. I must have that shirt. And its contents! Yowza!
  10. My boy is proud of his recording. Hope you all enjoy it.
  11. Aw, sweetie, can't you figure out some way to teleport there? It would be so nice to see you! Bring Roberino too.
  12. If you do come, please introduce yourself! We'll be at the front table on the left.
  13. Welllll.....we're gonna let it slide for now, but you really ought to work up to fully peeved if at all possible.
  14. Oh YAY!!! I know that Thai place, it smells like heaven & I've always meant to eat there. I even nabbed a menu recently so we could plan on it. This may be the time! And now, as we are extremely off-topic, we'd better take any further discussion of this to pm's.
  15. Sweetie, if I told you the whole whine, you'd never trade places in a million years. Give Tara a hug for me & have a great BBQ when time and fire allows.
  16. But you guys aren't going to believe Collin, are you? I mean, the guy is so happy and sweet that he probably throws in extra "nothings" like mini-marshmallows in an ice-cream sundae.... Oops, sorry Collin, that was pure stream-of-consciousness typing there. Peeps, in all seriousness, if Collin says 42, it's 42. The guy can count. Like The Count. I've even seen him do it sans fingers. Impressive, to say the least.
  17. Aw, Chuck, sorry we didn't connect! Tell you what we're gonna do....this Saturday, for only $12.00, will you please join me for the Minus 5 show at Spaceland (in LA)? If you don't know the Minus 5 (Do you know the album, "Down With Wilco"? It means "getting down with Wilco", not a negative connotation, Wilco played on it) you're in for a treat. If you haven't been to Spaceland, you're in for a treat!!! It's a great little dive! Please come! I've wanted to meet you & I can guarantee a good time. I'll even buy you a beer! (Oops, you are 21, right? Spaceland is 21+) Aw, c'mon, say you'll c
  18. Poor Translator, I was moved by what you wrote. You too, Chendizzle, Mt. Bed, and of course Dan.
  19. There is no such song as "Feed the Man"...........there is a song called "Feed of Man" that is off of the Mermaid Ave. sessions....BUT it wasn't played last night. I wonder what song the reviewer was referring to! That reviewer managed some lovely imagery & wordplay, despite that error. A nice read. He was clearly quite taken with Nels! The Bob Newhart intro cracked me up.....let's see, would that be Jeff as Bob, John as Jerry the orthodontist......Glenn as that intense Mr. Carlin? Perhaps Pat as the flighty, chatty Carol? Ok, I think that's enough outta me.....you guys figure out th
  20. Ummm......no, that place is for randomness. This is a specific place to whine. Get busy. Wow, you sure are crabby. Good job. Oh, and my whiny daughter just tried to nap without removing her glasses, which is why she just brought them to me in 2 big pieces and 2 very tiny ones. Will this damned heat never end??? Look what it's doing to my normally fair complexion:
  21. Boy, dog days of summer for sure.....we always see this kind of behavior about this time of year! I think between the suffocating weather and people having to get back into the regular swing of work and school, we all tend to get crabby. Could you guys please use this useful thread to piss and moan harmlessly? I'll even start: Holey bejeebus, my thermostat registers about 85 degrees here in the room where the computer is, and the rest of the house is no better. I hate when southern CA gets muggy and hot both at once. Evening can't happen soon enough.....if we could even just get a bit of a
  22. What are we thanking Maudie for now??? I swear, it's always something.
  23. Could we please hear some more stories and see some more photos from this show? Gogo, you got some beauties! I've got photos from Santa Barbara, San Diego, and last night (LA Greek)......most of my snaps were crummy, but I did get a few lucky shots at each show. I'll post them as soon as I have the time. (Don't hold your breath, anyone, I don't want your deaths on my conscience.)
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