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Everything posted by PigSooie

  1. Like he'll be playing that late in the season.
  2. Probably. It doesn't matter anyway. I'll go to any games. Hell I actually went to White Sox games last year.
  3. I bought all but one of mine off of someone there for face.
  4. That's really cool. Thanks for posting it.
  5. "Did you mean taint, butt bridge/overpass, or grundle?"
  6. left to right Oasis, Michael Buble, Styx
  7. I heard the Memphis chick's performance on the radio, and thought it was pretty good.
  8. Are you racist if you think it's racist?
  9. So, to recreate the 815 flight as best as possible on the return to the island. Sayid was Kate Hurley was Charlie Jack was himself Kate was Sun (?)
  10. Exciting game last night between Penn St and Illinois.
  11. I can't do any of this stuff because of the firewall at work, and no internet at home.
  12. I know some people in the bottom right pic of that menu.
  13. Addams family Pinball Machine Cyclone
  14. Anyone care to fix me up with the U@ and Neko? Pleeeeease?
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