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Everything posted by wheelco

  1. bealzebub hell is crumb let's go way south, brother
  2. y'know, they now caught chimps using big stones to kill critters in the wild someone tell Jay
  3. that's good, I hate horns in rock music I suppose I'll buy this, since I own all the other SV releases
  4. can you get him to sign my boxers I mean if I fed-x 'em?
  5. for one of my mutts, when he causes trouble we often threaten to make a coat out of him he doesn't understand English, though, and consequently doesn't get the joke but also did not read the article
  6. I was checking this out and others on npr am I stoopid or is there no way to download- is it just streaming?
  7. you mean they're not gonna release it?
  8. makes it sound like it was eliminated from the list of albums that were to be released, doesn't it?
  9. c'mon guys, they've moved on to Rock n Roll Pt 2 already
  10. so, did Jenny Conlee do her best Keith Emerson impersonation again on this?
  11. except when you can get that special group of 18 year olds on the take
  12. they make you guys purty smart in Meeshkin' it's what I get for skimming threads, I guess
  13. please tell me they're not going to wear that in actual games . . .
  14. there will be a lot of wookies there, most will not have hotel rooms
  15. I agree a little, with Buckeye football and basketball being dominant here and with the Reds, Bengals, Browns, Cavaliers and Indians nearby in-state. However, hockey is somewhat popular here in general at the youth and HS level, it's a metro area of 1.5 million and there's no NHL in Cinti or Cleveburg. It's been a nice fit, and they sell out 18,000 almost every night. They just can't freaking win . . .
  16. OMG you highy messed up freaks, just answer the question!1!1!
  17. Good to have you back!! I'm thinking of discarding my Blue Jackets affinity out of frustration, though. Nice that they still draw well, however.
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