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Everything posted by wheelco

  1. this would be great I heard a recording of Tim Gane and Sean O'Hagan doing a Sun Ra tribute a few years back, and it's interesting to know about this as well
  2. the emotion at the end of that is awesome man I gotta pull out and dust off that album
  3. DREAM HOME HEARTACHE!!!!!! "I blew her up, she blew my mind"
  4. to quote myself, "check this one out folks!"
  5. I always liked "For Your Pleasure", which includes Do the Strand, In Every Dreamhome a Heartache and If There Is Something
  6. what a freaking sloppy feetball game - no defense and lots of fumbles
  7. swastikas are a major problem iron cross? not sure that's as big of a deal, it was used for many many years unrelated to the Nazis desecrating remains = problem
  8. didn't go, don't know anyone who did, and i don't listen to the radio so....
  9. that's really going to be good, and i'm glad it's not getting lost in the weekend fray
  10. the more the merrier "groupies"
  11. I've found it hit or miss, but I have gotten some great things there cheaply
  12. supposedly he put the moves on a cute intern
  13. my runts hit the freaking bonanza I need to go through today and take "Daddy Tax"
  14. just some fantastic shit there what a performer
  15. I personally am partial to VC rumors and innuendo best source there is . . .
  16. here's to another season of watching only college ball and boycotting the NBA
  17. his lineal descendants (63% of the human race) are very proud, I'm sure
  18. Kenny G has to be the least inspiring least soulful player of a musical instrument in recorded time Ogg Nog Oogglogg of the Great Rift Valley on the precursor to bongos in 49,857 BC may rival him, but that's about all
  19. I'm in the dark on this -- do tell . . .
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