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About Neuroglue

  • Rank
    I Am Trying to Break Your Heart

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  1. Thanks for the heads-up! Looks like it was a database corruption issue, possibly related to the issue that caused the outage a couple of weeks ago. Should be working correctly now, but please let me know if you encounter any further issues.
  2. I believe I might have fixed the issue, but I have limited time to test at the moment. Please let me know if you continue to encounter issues.
  3. Sorry about that, somehow the AIM contact method field was set to be non-user-editable. Have a look and let me know if you can edit it now.
  4. The current iteration of the board (that is, the one running on Invision software) came into existence around that time, and it looks like everyone had to rejoin at that point (even the oldest members like Narziss and kidsmoke have join dates of June 2003), so it's likely you were one of the first to join the new board. Before that, it was on phpBB software - here are a couple of the oldest captures I can find for that version: http://web.archive.org/web/20020808114235/http://www.viachicago.org:80/phpBB2/index.php http://web.archive.org/web/20020409224109/http://www.viachicago.org/p
  5. We were originally planning on a full bar actually. Turns out it's ridiculously difficult to store alcohol in the cloud (and the host usually isn't too happy about it).
  6. Somehow the "Max lines per signature" was mistakenly set to zero for some user groups (presumably during one of the updates). Should be fixed now. Note that, as always, signatures are only visible in desktop view (they're hidden in mobile for readability reasons).
  7. SSL certificate didn't update correctly. Should be fixed now.
  8. @kidsmoke, you want to take this one? I tried to look into it myself but the wayback machine doesn't go back far enough.
  9. Relaxing at home with the wife. Cooked and ate a nice early Valentine's dinner together (she works late tomorrow night), and we finished up season 5 of The Expanse. Pretty great weekend so far. 😀
  10. Clearly photoshopped. There's no way you all got to go to the loft.
  11. Probably won't be awake to catch it live (my wife works afternoon/evening shift at a covid processing lab, so we're on a weird schedule), but I'll honestly just be relieved if I don't wake up to an ongoing crisis megathread in r/politics. Maybe we'll open a bottle of wine or something tomorrow night though.
  12. (On the next Science Friday:) Are spiders filling out tax returns?
  13. Why does your television have a foot-sized hole in it?
  14. Sorry about that....uploads were previously capped at 5 MB per post, so you might have been running into that limit. I've bumped it up to 30 MB per post to avoid similar issues in the future. Bear in mind that there's currently a max upload storage limit, across all forums, of ~2 GB per user by default (this quota may change in the future depending on server resources). If anyone finds themselves running into this ceiling, please contact one of the admins and we'll see what we can do.
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