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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I didn't discover it in a record store but...I purchased Trace based on the UT history and decided to give it a listen. I had not heard a note of it that I knew of prior to purchasing. When I poped it into my cd player in the car I realized that it was what was playing in the store while I was browsing.
  2. When I read rock critics, as well as movie critics, I don't generally give the overall rating much more than a quick glance(stars, 1 - 10 scale, condemend etc...). Generally they don't give a basis for those rankings. Are they ranking against all time albums? Current releases? Current releases in the same genre? The artists past work? There is no real point of reference. Nope, what I generally do is read the critics just for a point of reference on what the album is all about. I also generally don't read them for artists I intend to buy until after I listen to the album a few times. F
  3. No Drive By Truckers? Southern Rock Opera? Decoration Day? Dirty South? Surely one of these fine albums should have made it to someone's list.
  4. From faux news: The accused Holocaust museum gunman who allegedly shot and killed a black security guard… So, ummm never mind.
  5. He should not have been since he had a felony conviction involving firearms and threatening governemnt officials.
  6. MSNBC has just reported that the guard has died.
  7. This guy sounds like a piece of work. He’s one of those types who have written about all the “unanswered questions” surrounding Obama’s citizenship as well as writing about Tommy Franks and his mysterious background. Seems like he saw Jewish conspiracies behind everything he didn’t like. Once tried to arrest people at the fed and went to prison for it. Loonie with a large font capital L . The holocaust museum is such a solemn place and this sh*thead goes and shoots people there. What an Ahole.
  8. My son (12) plays bass, but does not want to play old guy music with his dad.
  9. Best Joe Cocker moment ever for me was when he appeared on SNL and Belushi came out and sang with him mimicking his stage movements.
  10. Does this count? On one of those blooper shows they had a segment from a news program (Sadly it was a Fox affiliate, local programming though) Anyhow the segment appeared to be on relationships and or affection. The woman speaking said that the Obama
  11. This is simply heartbreaking.
  12. I believe that the beatles honed their talents in the bars, which is what Steve is saying. Learnign to play those songs and becoming intimate with the great music of the day allowed them to learn songcraft. Natural talent? Or hard work? Perhaps a combination of both. This has to be looked at in perspective also. Those are the bands Steve grew up on, they were the ones he honed his chops on, and his bands learned the same way. Yes many bands spend their time paying their dues, but not all make it. The same can be said of almost any profession. I am an accountant and have been doing i
  13. Yes there is...what I like is quality music. If you listen to the same stuff as me you hae good taste. If you listen to other music, you have inferior taste and listen to lower quality music. Isn't that the way manny music arguments go? Do you honestly believe that?
  14. Good for Shane, he looked frighteningly hideous before.
  15. I think with the Doors the problem is as much their fans as it is the band. I have no problem with the music they put out, it's very good. But for a short career, it is a limited output and 40 years down the road those songs have been played and played and played. For me any dislike or distaste directed towards the Doors is usually directed at the fans who push the "Jim is a God" or "Jim is a mystical Shaman" angle. No Jim was a poet/singer who lived excessively and died young.
  16. To be honest when I go to shows, which is less and less frequent, I go for the total experience. The total experience for me includes things like, the guy who has had too much to drink and sits passed out in his own vomit missing the entire show, Saw this at the Who and at Kiss once). It includes the people talking, singing along, playing air guitar and making their best rock faces during their favorite solos. It includes the way people are dressed, including the variety of band t-shirts. It includes the morons who bull rush the stage to form their mosh pit (a non-Wilco event), or the guy
  17. Damn it, I hate it when people sing and dance while I'm shopping...it totally ruins the experience.
  18. Riiiiiiiight. Similatirties: Play Bass. Dark Hair, American, Male, Differences...everything else.
  19. Yes it is my opinion that your opinion reads like fact. However, my panties did not get in a bunch over it. There is that opinion once again. Good opinions are based on fact or at least based on observation. I've never really observed the Eminem exists in the music business solley to make money, though he makes quiote a bit of it these days. Anyhow, it might be easier to just say you like Wilco and don't like Eminem. House? No, we actually live here... http://www.wpix.com/news/local/wpix-manhat...0,3838273.story
  20. It does nto read like an opinion, it reads as a statement of fact.
  21. Jay Bennet, Ken Coomer & Leroy Bach...but he was not the Jeff they were looking for.
  22. I had a feeling right from the get go that they were not going to do it. They came in to wark and were leaving early to drive 8 hours to get married that day. It just didn't add up. I hope they never get married and It turns out to be a Pam/Roy situation. Weddings and baby's ruin somany shows for me.
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