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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Kingman was made for the American League. Too bad he played most of his career in the NL. After the DH rule passed and free agency came about he should have bolted and stayed there. Older people still talk about when he nailed Mick Kelleher at second base. He would have hit 60+ homers if he were around today.
  2. Sounds like a thread to me... I saw Sweet Open for Rush Jugglers and tumblers open for the Stones Saw the Shocking Pinks open for Neil Young
  3. Was he a cub then? I can't remeber if I saw that one or the one with Canseco. Time has blurred the memories.
  4. I don't want to go back and re-read this thread, but has Zappa been mentioned?
  5. He went 1 -4 in that at bat with three strike outs. But the kid pitching was tossing heat and wicked 12 -6 curveballs...or did I mean it was hot out and the kid pitching lobbed the ball? 30 + years fogs the memory.
  6. Yeppers. I played ball with him once. We were kids and he went to the church where we used the fields behind it for ball. He didn't really play with us, he just asked to bat and then hit our ball so far that we could not find it and had to quit playing.
  7. I was just curious if there is other discussion elswhere on the topic or if this notion is home grown? I think it would be interesting to read about it if soemone has previoulsy written about it. I find the topic very interesting. Besides, what guirtarists since the invention of the first electronic effect have not used them? Not too many play straight to the amp with nothing in between. It seems to me like that is at the heart of it...or is it? Kessinger - loved him, best SS the Cubs have had during my lifetime or rather during my awareness of baseball because I think Banks may h
  8. So what I am getting out of this is that I am not too far off from becoming David Gilmore? All I need to do is buy a real nice strat and a few gadgety things to step on periodically as well as some wicked amps and I
  9. People have their favorite bands and want everyone to hear them, we share our secrets and once the secret is out and the band hits critical mass, we accuse the band of selling out or betraying us their true fans etc
  10. But did those people really know what they were talking about back then? We have so much more information available to us today, so I think we are making better decisions.
  11. I never got that it was dumbed down Metallica. I always viewed Sandman as a great song where Metallica got out of the seven - ten minute structures of their songs. It made them a boat load of money to be sure. Was it a calculated move? definately, they had to have made a conscious decision to cut the length of their songs and make them more radio friendly. That is not a crime, it's just adding variety into what they are doing and after a 20 year departure they got back to the old formula with this years release. Had they continued on the path of Lightning - Puppets - Justice people would
  12. I kind of agree with your point with Weller and Westy. Though I dare say time and time agains Keith and Angus add to the songs the riffs that put them over the top.
  13. Best vs. favorites? Some of the most talented Rock Guitarists
  14. Dom DeLuise, Actor, Comedian and Chef, Dies By BOB THOMAS The Associated Press Tuesday, May 5, 2009 1:01 PM LOS ANGELES -- Dom DeLuise, the portly actor-comedian whose affable nature made him a popular character actor for decades with movie and TV audiences as well as directors and fellow actors, has died. He was 75. DeLuise died Monday night, son Michael DeLuise told KTLA-TV and radio station KNX on Tuesday. The comedian died in his sleep after a long illness. Calls to his agent were not immediately returned. The actor, who loved to cook and eat almost as much as he enjoyed act
  15. Remember the scene/movie is edited to tell a story. As to the timing of the suit, we have no idea if they have been going back and forth for years, or if Jay suddenly decided to go after the money because Wilco has put out the movie, is touring and is about to release a new album so strike while the iron is hot, so to speak. However the courts really don
  16. I would reserve judgement on this. These things happen al the time with bands and ex-members. If the case has no merit it will be tossed or he will lose the case and the $$ to take the case to court. If the case has merit, then what? Probably many people will still think JB is an ass for suing for what should have been his ($$).
  17. http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/m...currentPage=all This is not related to anything in particular, just a really interesting (to me) story. I've seen stories on this before and I'm fascinated by it. Not fascinated (or intelligent) enough to try and solve it though.
  18. The popular stuff was way better than the popular stuff today, that is for sure. I'l take ABBA, Blondie, Olivia Newton John, and Anne Murray over Beyonce, Brittney, R kelly etc... any day. Also not to divert attention on this thread, but the movies were a crap load better. God Father I & II, Taxi Driver, Chinatown, The Last Detail etc...
  19. If that is how you think I view you, then nothing I will say will ever change your mind. And it wasn't a lecture it was an explanation of me. But thanks for letting me know I am wrong on all subjects.
  20. Because that is exactly what I said, Nice paraphrasing me. I could have saved my self the trouble. If you actually took the few seconds to try interpret the line you highlighted rather than simply going knee jerk ballistic and thinking I
  21. Damn you annd your Celtics! They go down this weekend.
  22. I'm talking in terms of judicial phillosophy. Souter votes with the "liberal block" because the conservative bock is so far to the right. The "liberal decisions" have not been truely earth shatteringly liberal for20+ years. The court has moved so far to the right that someone like Souter or Kennedy look liberal in comparison to the Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Thomas block. It is the nature of the court that makes Souter appear to be liberal. It's not some wacky far out sh*t I came up with by reading f&*%'d up blogs and left wing literature. When the SC releases a case relating to tax I u
  23. I used to live in your world for 30+ years and I didn't like it one bit after a while. Yep I used to be a ditto head type, though Rush and his ilk pushed me away, probably the middle of the Clinton adminsitration. I'm taking it that you disagree that Souter is more of a centrist. That is fine, most conservatives view him as a radical liberal because they view the world through such a far right prisim that is so distorted that the near right looks like the left, the true middle looks far left and the true far left is practically invisible to them. Of course that is why the "big tent party"
  24. I was just thinking of Boston the other day. I liked and still like their first album. It brings back a lot of memories when I hear it. That was my high school days and a bunch of albums from that era I hear them today as if it were 30+ years ago. BOC, Ted Nugent, druggy Aerosmith, Journey, KISS, Van Halen, Cheap Trick, Schenker era UFO & Scorpions etc
  25. OK last nights episode was nto the best, but I loved the whole casual day theme. Meredith was hilarious. Q: Where is your underwear? A: It's casual day! I love creeed too, and he seemed extra creepy yesterday in a weird way for him.
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