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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Sounds like a Simpson couch to me.
  2. Different kinds of intelligence and capable. It sall depends on how they use theiir intelligence and capabilities. No doubt Cheney knew what he was doing, he had an agenda going in and he carried it out for the most part. Can't think of too many things he got caught at, or rather once caught cared enough to stop doing what he was doing.
  3. The insanity never ends. SC priest: No communion for Obama supporters By MEG KINNARD, Associated Press Writer Meg Kinnard, Associated Press Writer Thu Nov 13, 6:33 pm ET COLUMBIA, S.C.
  4. I like lots of beer (my favorite stores are Binny
  5. The images themselves? Or what the images represented?
  6. I'll guess that Janaury 20th he might get a letter in the mail from the President.
  7. People down here where I live support the convention, their main thing is getting a recall provision in to get rid of Blago. I'm no fan of his, but am against the notion of recall elections. The supporters of recall use Blago as their main talking point when trying to gather signatures on their petitions, when I tell them that it opens a big can of worms and that republican governors could be recalled too they give confused "why would you do that" looks. It is really an effort targeted at one person and that sort of thing needs to be opnely debated and passed during more benign times rathe
  8. Umm she is pretty much the dolt portrayed by Tina Fey. Didn't you realize that so many of Fey's lines were actual Palin Lines? When they use the actual words and it provides satire that should tell you a lot. Sullivan
  9. Historically the black vote has gone pretty heavily republican so they only switched to vote Obama this year. Had they followed historical voting patterns McCain would have won in a landslide. They'll regret it in the long run when they realize he's an America hating, commie loving, terrorist pallin, socialist, islamo-fascist, black liberation chritstian church attending antichrist muslim.
  10. Sorry, but loads of people millions, take Rush, Hannity, Coulter, Fox news etc... seriously.
  11. jacob did you run out and get your gun yet? The scary black man is taking office in 69 days.
  12. You know, on the surface thsi sounds like a lot of fun, but with kids and work it can be very tiring.
  13. So we could say that McCain got his votes for the very reason that he is white? Or more correctly he got a lot of votes because he was not black? Face it McCain was not nor has he ever been a favorite of the right, however he recieved a respectable % of the vote, far more than he should have won considering where he supposedly stands in relation to the rest of his party. So I have to infer that he got many of his votes out of white fears of letting a black man run the country. Seems like the only feasible reason for his performance. It does appear that he got the old white guy vote so I m
  14. Now looking with a little hindsight (though you could have done this contemporaneously) don't you think the Bush adminsitration was going to do whatever they wanted regardless of democratic support or not? Exactly.
  15. Who on earth has suggested such a thing? It's not in any publication I read and for good reason the notion is unworkable for a number of reasons. unrealized gains and losses have never been taxable or deductible. Anyone who thinks this is a real possibility is just plain wrong.
  16. I saw a couple tours after that one and the lighting/staging were great. Loved the rotating mirrors above the stage. I'm guessing those went away during the Duke and later period.
  17. Given who is on the show, that's not much of an accomplishment.
  18. My wife and I both thought this may have been for their saftey. But also have you ever seen an election night victory speech before 240,000 people before? Have you ever seen the kinds of spontaneous celebrations break out like they did election night? Nope, this night was an event like no other in American History.
  19. I know she's a joke, but she does have some pull with a lot of people, at elast she did until her antics regarding the election.
  20. Also I would like to add that I was very pleased with Elisabeth Hasselbeck for her humble seemingly honest statment about acceptign the Obama presidency. She was so angry and unhinged right up until the election. Is she being honest? Only time will tell, but she seemed sincere to me.
  21. Neither did the economy and the stats that have been released recently (maybe today and yesterday) about missing earnings projection and UC claims riising to levels not seen since 1983 etc... The markets react to far more than just a feel goood vibe of hope.
  22. I think my point is that maybe this discussion is pointless. If blacks voted for Obama 96% then they might possibly be racist for doing so, but if whites voted for him then they too must be racist for voting for him because he is black, blah blah blah. What
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