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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. The part targeted at the smaller children is the part mccain is exploiting. That part of the program is not a sexually explicit "how to" program as the mccain camp is portraying it. Of course because no one in the mccain camp would go racial, only me. I'm the only one in the country who would see something like that as racially divisive. Those squeeky clean rovianns runnign mccains camp would never ever use any imagry that could be construed as being racially devisive. I guess mccain gets my vote since he has turned into such an upstanding guy looking only to bring chhange to washingto
  2. My personal opinion on this "lipstick" outrage is that it is a smoke screen to cover the offensive ad mccains group launched today claiming Obama wants to teach very young children about sex. The feigned outrage will cover the outrage over the new McCain ad, tit for tat or balance as they say. Only this time it is all coming from the McCain camp. I haven't seen the ad but I've read that it appears that all the children in it are white, So some are claiming racial on this one. It just goes to show how low of a sleazebag McCain is becoming when he takes a program to teach kids abotu how to
  3. Or you could frame it as voting for the guy whose hands are not as stained by Washington as the guy who has been there thirty years and has been a huge part of the problem? I'll take the fresh blood. Your post is pure cmapaign rhetoric avoiding the issues and simply playing the same game. Care to flip that and tell me what high level jobs you qualify for with just two years experience? Or what high level jobs you qualify for after a 30 mainly pedestrian career?
  4. But the more of these stupid spun statements that go unchalleneged the more legitimate they become. It is the rock and a hard place scenario. I fully belive that the issues speak for themselves, but that the air gets clouded with all the other crap. If you view it as crap and do nothing, the air is still clouded and voters who are disenclined to do anything other than observe the national enquirer aspects of the election will vote accordingly. Left unchallenged crap like little McCains statment, Or Palin/McCains new spin on the bridge or their spin on her experience, or Obama being a musl
  5. My kids have never had them, but I think there is a special shampoo and a special comb to use.
  6. It's a general election coming up, people say things that get jumped on everyday. Her dad has been in politics, part of the old guard entrenched in Washington for 30 long years now. Her family should know about what to say and what not to say and how to say it. Imagine if Biden made that same comment or even Biden''s Son who is on his way to Iraq? Imagine what would have unfolded had one of them made the same comments? I am sick and tired of the right claiming the moral high ground with the military. They don't have that moral high ground, they never have, they only lay claim to it for a
  7. Yep only the McCain family knows war. My dad didnn't know squat about it when his unit liberated Nordhausen. His brother in thhe 8th airforce knew squat about it, neither did their parents worrying about them. My Uncle didn't know squat about it when he sufferred a severe head wound iN Korea that left him like Admiral Stockdale for the next 50 years. And my brother didn't know squat about war when they put him on a PBR in Vietnam in 1968/69. My friend here at work and her daughter didn't know either when they heard her husband was killed in Iraq in 2003. Whhat a condescending little pric
  8. This thread has become exactly what the republicans want to make the elections be about...everything except the republicans performance while in power. They want the public talking about abortion, gay marriage, the death penalty, creationism (christian only mind you) taught as science etc... stay off the topic of how they have performed in office, stay off the topic of how closely Palin resembles Bush in policy. Stay off the topic of how McCain has supported president Bush faithfully every since Bush and his people trashed the hell out of McCain in 2000. Talk about anything except how they
  9. You would think that as commander in chief of the Alaska NG and by the notion that she is apparently equiping them and sending them off to combat, that she would be concerned about all of the troops going there, concerned enough to maybe know something about where she is sending them, and what she is sending them there for? Oh my god, she really is a clone of Bush.
  10. Surely you have not caught on to my rehashing a golden oldie fromt he republican phrase book.
  11. My brother in law, whom I reference here frequently has one response to pro-choice people "it's a child not a choice" That tag line never grows old, does it? However while others were having a more in-depth discussion around his inane comment hiis wife looked at him and said "if you got a girl pregnant in high school you would have paid for an abortion. he didn't argue and admitted he woudl have, but still thinks others shoudl not have that option. Sauron = Cheany of course. Bush/Rove & the others are mere ring wraiths at the beck and call of the dark lord.
  12. The GOP would have to be crazy to select a VP candidate who is not prepared to meet the press. If she can't stand up to CNN how will she ever stand up to AlQueda?
  13. Who and where were these legitimacy conversations taking place? I for one don't believe it simply because Bush & co are too incompetant to do somethign that big. Beyond that the whole Obama/Muslim thing is made up, it starts with a rightwing news paper and for some reason gained wide spread far flung legitimacy on the right in spite of the mountain of evidence to the contrary. Just like the fake "I invented the intenet" quote. Never happened yet I'll bet you 30% of the country believes it to be true.
  14. I figure since the conservatives love to accuse democrats of drinkign koolaide, they should have their own drink too. But I did hear it elsewhere.
  15. But if he is ina room with McCain and Palin he probably is the smartest one in the room. Maybe even smarter than Obama. As to image etc... if the election truely were down to just isssues the dems woudl win hands down. during the 2004 elections somewhere in MI a teacher gave the kids a listing of each candidates positions on a number of issues, but not the candidates names. The kids voted overwhelmingly democratic. Sure these were kids but the reaction to the election was typical of the right wing. A number of parents attempted to have the teacher fired for this. But again I must s
  16. Smug is a word that I think gets tossed around by people in glass houses. Personally I find conservatives/republicans very smug they like who they are and don
  17. It had a lot to do with party and policy. The republican party as a matter of policy/ideology does nto believe government should solve problems for ordinary people. The policy of installing incompetant policitally conected shills led to the inept response to Katrina. Your inane comment about mccain being responsible for katrina was just blustery crap with no real coherent or logical connection to what it was responding to. if mcbush and george w palin are going to continue to follow the policies of bush then it is goinng to be mccains problem. It used to be that the republican party and c
  18. I know people who think this way about any democrat. The main reason I can think of for them thinking this way is that they have heard a steady stream of thoughts via television news and talk radio that echoes this line of thinking. They ignore the policies that cause the resentment that breeds terrorism, whether US or Saudi or soemothher countries policies, they ignore that 911 occurred while Bush was in office. Heck I had one person who was pissed at CLinton for allowing Sadaam to bomb the twin towers, the main anger was that Clinton did not finish off Sadaam while we had half a million t
  19. its because people like bobbob and twweedling keep saying it does not matter but still push the issue.
  20. Hey they tried this tactic in 2000 and 2004 and see where it got them...oh shit. Actually in Nevada I remember readign a story, in a major news publication, about a voter drive being conducted. One of the people working the drive said that they pitched all the applications of voters who registered as Democrats. Though In all fairness I would think that this would have caused a problem on election day. That not with standing, I find it interesting that the party who cries voter fraud every chance they can is the party that works so actively to supress voters. One more reason I left them.
  21. In all fairness back in 1988 when Quayle was picked one of my female friends said did you see the guy bush picked wow.
  22. I was talking to a moderate right winger today here at work. He is moderate in that he will listen to what the other side has to say and will admit Bush has made many many mistake but he still will not dare go against party ideology. Anyhow I asked him what he thought of Palin and at first he rolled his eyes and sighed then with no other comment about her qualifications or abilities said well at least she is easy on the eyes and stands out in contrast to the men, that has to count for something. When I looked at him quizzically he repeated the same thing with a little more emphasis. I told
  23. Would the reason be so obvious is she were Obama's runnign mate?
  24. The whole sale of the plane thing sis ridiculous until ou stop to think about it. Right now the market for private jets is very hot, I'm assuming jet but any multi-passenger corporate plane is a hot ticket now. They could have easily sold the plane on the open market for aprofit. How do I know? Easy my company just sold several planes for more htan we paid for them. Anyhow questions to be asked are 1) what does the law in AK say about selling assets? How can they be sold, what parameters to use for the sale, public notice etc... 2) Why Ebay and not through a professional broker? I sur
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