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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. .y wife loved the show last night, she said Obama was there.
  2. I'm fine with him learnign to play the Linkin Park song and with her listening to Coldplay. How will they ever know what is good without hearing what is bad also?
  3. I heard U2 a song on a comercial the other day. It was one I had never heard before, I didn't think much of it at the time, rather benign, uninteresting. My daughter told me she wanted it on her ipod. Of course she was assuming I knew the song etc... I did not. I searched U2 and found nothing new. Asking for help she came up and punched up Coldplay. Vocals, everything sounded like a U@ gone bad type of song. Linkin Park has a U2 type song also. My son was learning a song on bass and I thought it was With or Without you. He let me know that it was Shadow of the Day by Linkin park.
  4. Dare I say it...Cherry Pie?
  5. Ummm your every response with dismissive tones and whatevers. In case you have not notied you pretty much insult everyone you respond to who is not in agreemnt with your failed right wing ideology. You say your not a republican yet you seem to hit the talking points and defend the actiosn tooth and nail. The old phrase if it looks like a duck , walks like a duck and quacks like a duck really does apply. This really is tiring.
  6. Since you brought it up here you go, straight from wiki: The political system of the Islamic Republic is based on the 1979 Constitution. The system comprises several intricately connected governing bodies. The Supreme Leader of Iran is responsible for delineation and supervision of the general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran.[71] KEY PHRASE HERE:The Supreme Leader is Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, controls the military intelligence and security operations; and has sole power to declare war or peace. END OF KEY PHRASE [71] The heads of the judiciary, state radio and televisi
  7. I guess to quote you , ok yea, whatever you say. Wiki? I thought you knew not to trust it? Of course simply agreeing with what an individual has to say and that individual having any power to act on it are two entirely different things. Once again the president of Iran has no power to order their military to do anything, nothing nadda zip. Beyond that what happens between Iran and Israel really has little or no strategic value to the US other than to once again shorten the list of oil suppliers. I just don't get the radical rights obsession with Israel. I also 100% disagree with your
  8. I can't see it, the link is blocked here at work. What is it?
  9. Nice job of avoiding the substance of what I was pointing out, and that is that the specter of Hitler has been a cudgil raised by the right for eight eyars now. From Sadaam = hitler to "Islamo Fascisim" and the odd reference to global warming supporters = Nazi's or some other tie in. And of course the right wants the masses to have no clue about the real powers in iran. They want the people to believe that the president f Iran really does have the power to wage war when in fact he barely has the poer to rder room service without consulting the mullahs in charge.
  10. Essential weapon of the left? Ummm who exactly has used the spector of hitler to riase the war cry in this country? Sadaam is Hitler on the rise the president of Iran is Hitler on the rise. Can't appease like chamberlin did etc... it goes on and on endlessly. OF course you won't agree with my position because you view the world differently, and that is a big part of my point.
  11. If that's your take away from my post, then that's your take away. It misses the obvious intentionand the obvious message, but it apparently works for you. Of course not noticing that I said I'll take the extreme example to make a point. Is there any example more extreme? I don't think so. so just go on with the notion that there shoudl be balance to every story and tha the truth lays some where between two stories, it will work well for you and your ilk and is exactly why our country is in such a F***ing mess right now. BTW if you notice I don't compare anyone or anyones ideology to
  12. I do not for one minute believe that the truth always lies somewhere in the middle or that there needs to be balance to the news. I'll take the extreme case....the Holocaust. There are Holocaust deniers out there and they are vocal when they have a platform, which is not often. But the deniers have their position and then there is the historically acceptable position that the holocaust actually occurred. Where exactly is the middle ground here? Also where or why would there be any need for balance? Take it one extreme step further...Hitler's regime had a view of the "Jewish problem" is t
  13. It would be more republicanesque if he called you a traitor who wanted the US to lose, then told you to leave the country and find a place mroe suited to your blame america first views.
  14. I loved it when Fox News identified Mark Foley as a democrat. I don't believe they corrected themselves on it either. The other one I always come back to is way back in 2002 there was a story on the BBC about Iraq rebuilding on the site of a former nuke weapons facility. The BBC, CNN & Reuters all reported it and added that inspectors said they woudl not know for sure what it was until they visited the site. Fox news reported it as "Iraq reuilds nuclear weapons facility" with no caveat about inspecting it. In the summer of 2003 it was reported that the new construction was an x-ray s
  15. Reardless of how close the democratic race was, the one thing that the pundits, especially conservatives (like Buchannan for example0 don't point out is just how high the turnout was for these primaries. The shear numbers that turned out for the democratic primaries should frighten the republican candidate. Like i have said more than once, this is a pissed off riled up constituancy like I have never seen before in my life, and they are pissed off because of the actions of one party and one president. If voter turnout is high like this in November watch out in the house and senate as well as
  16. I've been to three funerals in the past month where a mother has buried a child. One was 63, the other 52 and the third was 40. All very sad. These got me thinking a little bit about my mortality and the funerals got me thinking about what I would want when I die and It really does not matter to me what service is done, what music is played etc... I think it would matter more to the living than the deceased, and what will help them get through this. So I am leaving it all up to my wife and kids. That being said I do like amazing grace sung acapella and will the circle remain unbroken.
  17. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/06/11/w...n_n_106511.html
  18. Is the debunking debunked? http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Movies/06/...n.ap/index.html No love for the Sting or Butch Cassidy?
  19. I think this congress is just as evil as the last, only the evil is contained in a smaller portion than before. Why woudl I think it more evil? One word...obstructionism. Thsi is the saddest display of partisan obstructionism that I have ever witnessed by a minority party. If the dems were have as bad as the republicans they too would be procedurally finding a way make the minority party irrelevant. Of course if my election predictions come true then the minnority party will bring on that irrelevance with their own actions. examples...Military - the new GI Bill. Hearings - procedurally
  20. 40 years ago today he died. He was shot 40 years ago yesterday. A very sad day indeed.
  21. Don't forget their dealings with the Illuminatti.
  22. I find it very interesting that people are so concerned over who Obama and or Hillary may be or may have been associating with. I sure as hell wish these people had done as much research on who GWB had been associating with prior to his election. I did and I saw war in the mid east based on his ties to PNAC. Couple that with actually knowing what the gov of TX has the power to do and his performance as gov tied in with his personal history and I knew I could not vote for him every. I never dreamed it would get like it is today though. To be fair I tried to evaluate Gore and at the time he
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