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Tweedy's Gurl

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Everything posted by Tweedy's Gurl

  1. green is the big thing for this year's spring/summer fashion!
  2. oh? which other one? i know nels lives in california...
  3. 5 of them live in chicago, if i'm not mistaken. my day 2 report is up and i'm currently working on day 3, btw.
  4. yeah...i was craving a quaker granola bar during their set....
  5. great, now i've got that stuck in my head too! funny mash up..."i've got two legs" and "singular girl". so, i decided not to go to work because i walked out the door and my legs were still aching from yesterday. my boss wasn't expecting me anyway.
  6. ok...i'm curious...what song was i on during? because i'm a little scared...
  7. there were no tapers.
  8. i might actually to pay to see that.
  9. i love the idea of kot looking even more like a jackass, i must say. the new pornographers brought beetle bob up on the stage to dance to a couple of songs.
  10. My review. i know some of you who were there...what did you guys think??
  11. that were wonderful, judy...as always! have you heard any of their new originals? they're quite good! oblivious...are you sure that wasn't beetle bob you saw? because i know he was there...and he always dances oddly and draws attention to himself.
  12. will tina turner be in this one?
  13. and how would you know this?
  14. this woman clearly has issues with her own child then. methinks she may be a bit resentful...
  15. for real??? that is great! wait...is that your porn name, or your gs name?
  16. i've actually heard you should give it a kiss...that disarms them completely!
  17. uh...i'm not sure...cute kids, though...they're so precious when they're sleeping! i think the cover should be optional.
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