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Everything posted by Kicking_Television

  1. i live in the UP of michigan, it's been a constant -5/-10 with like a -35 wind chill
  2. in a related note, the name winston skyrocketed during that time
  3. in the mean time, two or three years of his life is still gone. that is some horrible luck
  4. There were protests when he came to our small city of 20k during his re-election campaign. They garrisoned us in a "free speech zone" and if we left that zone we'd be arrested... no lie.
  5. was blood diamond really that good?? how is it children of men and pans labyrinth even make the cut for this years awards? they both came out in the past few weeks
  6. I'm actually excited by this, i've tried really hard to not listen to impossible germany, etc. Other then when i've seen them live, as to make the new album that much cooler on first listen
  7. There are 50 movies hidden in this M&M painting, each movie has a visual riddle. Much like that band picture thing that virgin records did awhile ago if you remember that... Some are easy and some aren't, right now i'm too hung over to try to do it but I thought you guys might enjoy it. Find the Movies
  8. a lot of rambling i never understood talk radio, especially when people tell one joke then laugh about it for 10 minutes as if we think it's funny too
  9. I've made that complaint for quite some time now too, she's gorgeous
  10. That's a fantastic version of the late greats... i had never seen this performance before.
  11. So I'm watching "That Thing You Do" and i can't seem to find/figure out what the hell kind of guitar Steve Zahn is playing. It looks pretty sweet Edit: The First one, not the jazzmaster
  12. Wings fan, but i actually live in michigan
  13. Jeff does tons of fingerpickin when i hear him play this song, specifically the living room concert from a year ago, I know gumbo pages has some chords up, but they don't go into detail. Was just wondering if anybody has any idea about the finger picking going on.
  14. The constant sunglass wearing is the worst part
  15. Awesome, i'd love to see some mid-west tour dates, but he doesn't seem to tour much
  16. How did i miss the triffids... This is the first i've heard them... I'm hooked
  17. was that johnny depp near the end on guitar?
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